GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

34 GNGTS 2018 S essione 1.1 in the Amatrice epicentral area in the last 35 years consists of rare M > 4 events and few minor sequences occurred without triggering large events before 2016 (Ciaccio, 2016). The Campotosto area, instead, at the southern edge of the AVNss and at northern end of the 2009 L’Aquila seismic sequence (Valoroso et al. , 2013), is affected by small-magnitude seismic sequences with a common seismogenic structure interpreted as the active WSW- dipping Mt. Gorzano normal fault (Boncio et al. , 2004). Fig. 1 - Map view of the relocated earthquakes of the AVNss from 11 to 25 january 2017 and aftershocks distribution with depth (vertical section NE-SW trending from section A to D, and NW-SE trending section E). Red stars represent the four M≥5.0 earthquakes of the 18 January, green stars are earthquakes with M≥4.0. The cross sections contain seismic events within ±10 km of distance from the section.