GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

486 GNGTS 2018 S essione 2.2 sectors, ii ) the analysis of the urban and social vulnerability and infrastructural efficiency, and iii ) the adoption of new technologies in the geologic, urbanistic and engineering fields. Regional Program of Seismic Risk Mitigation. After the seismic event of the 6th of April, 2009, that involved the provinces of L’Aquila, Pescara andTeramo, the RegioneAbruzzo enacted new laws on seismic prevention and seismic risk. The regional law L.R. of the 11/08/2011, n.28 defines the minimum conditions for which a MZS study is required, the technical characteristics that such a study should present, and state that the PRG should mandatorily account for the “Piani di Emergenza Comunali” (PECs) and the MZS studies. According to Article 21 of the L.R. 28/2011, MZS studies are compulsory for all the municipalities in Abruzzo. For 60% of the territory in Abruzzo, the National Technical Norms (NTC) assume a ground acceleration a g > 0.125g, consequently such areas can benefit of the funds defined by the Article 11 of the DL 39/09. The remaining 40% of the territory already benefitted of the regional funds coming from the POR-FESR Asse IV, Attività 3.1.c. The Regione Abruzzo started a program of analysis of the CLE (OPCM n. 4007/2012 e DGR n. 508 del 15.09.2017) at a municipal level on all the 276 municipalities defined by Allegato 7 of the OPCM 3907/2010. The combined use of CLE and MZS studies allows to integrate all the actions that are aimed at minimizing the seismic risk by means of improvements in the management of the emergency activities that characterize the immediate aftermath of the seismic event (post-impact phase). State of the art for the MZS in the Abruzzo Region. The Abruzzo Region has 305municipalities; such municipalities have been gradually included into the MZS studies through annual projects. In an initial phase, the early studies included the 12 macro areas that were subjected to a damage above the seventh grade of the Mercalli scale (Del Monaco et al. , 2013, Durante et al., 2013). In a second phase, the “Servizio Prevenzione dei Rischi di Protezione Civile” of Regione Abruzzo financed five different programs of MZS ( Fig. 1 State of the art: first and third level MZS, CLE for the Abruzzo Region , left column) that covered all the region. Up to date, only 236 of the total 305 municipalities have studies that have been validated by the “Tavolo Tecnico della Regione Abruzzo”. At the same time, regional guidelines “Standard di rappresentazione cartografica e archiviazione informatica” were provided to integrate those coming from the” Commissione tecnica per la microzonazione sismica”. After the seismic sequence started in 2016 and ended at the beginning of 2017, the DLgs 8/2017 allocated 6.5 million euros for the development of third level MZS studies for the locations included in the area defined as “cratere sismico” (i.e., the area that has been recognized as subjected to the Fig. 1.