GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2018 S essione 2.2 487 highest damage). In Abruzzo there were 23 municipalities included in such area (Berti et al., 2016). Third level MZS studies are aimed at seismically characterizing homogenous zones by means of quantitative parameters. Such characterization is based on the amplifying factor FA that is defined in the “Indirizzi e criteri generali per la Microzonazione Sismica” (2008). Such studies highlighted several criticalities such as the existence of active and capable faults, natural and anthropic caves, differential settlements or liquefaction phenomena. CLE planning on the regional area. “The vulnerability of an urban system is a measure of the nonlinear correlation between the seismic intensity and the damage dealt to the urban system. Such correlation directly depends on the exposure of the elements of urban system. The CLE is the instrument that allows to verify the principal physical elements of the emergency management systemdefined by the plan of the Protezione Civile ” (Prot. Civ. 2014) and is a starting point to merge emergency planning and urban planning (Di Lodovico and Di Ludovico 2015). Specifically, it allows the evaluation of the urban system’s response in the immediate aftermath of the seismic event. Such evaluation entails to ascertain if and how the strategic structures and services are maintained functional, connected and accessible. In Abruzzo, the regional program for the CLE analysis on the regional territory ( Fig. 1 State of the art: first and third level MZS, CLE for the Abruzzo Region , right column) started in 2017 (and is still ongoing) and involves the 276 municipalities included in the Allegato 7 to the OPCM 3907/2010 and following norms. To facilitate the start of the regional CLE program, the Institutions involved in the collaboration (Giunta Regionale, University of L’Aquila, and University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara) produced guidelines for the development of the CLE analysis that are named “Linee di indirizzo regionali per l’elaborazione dell’analisi della Condizione Limite per l’Emergenza comunale – CLE”. Lastly, together with the CLE at the municipal level a new experimental study is being developed for groups of municipalities that share a common management for all issues related to the Protezione Civile. The Sulmona case study: the risk scenarios. Sulmona, in the province of L’Aquila, is classified as a level 1 seismic zone. In history, several high intensity seismic events struck the city dealing high damage and several losses. Among the most relevant seismic events there are the earthquake of 1706, 1915 (Fucino), 1933 (Lama dei Peligni) and 1984. The multidisciplinary experimental study has been performed on the historical downtown with the aim to ensure the functionality of the urban system in the case of an emergency. The available knowhow and new technologies have been combined in the development of a pre-disaster recovery plan base on FEMA’s model (e.g., Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan). Such pre-disaster recovery plan contains the description of the possible risk scenarios (both hazard and damage scenarios): such scenarios are provided in terms of maps that show the physical and social impact of the hazards (i.e., the impact on structures, infrastructure and population). Such risk scenarios have been developed to include the information coming from • the social exposure (inhabitants and commuting workers) derived from the census distributions (sezioni censuarie - ISTAT 2011–datianagrafeSulmona); • the vulnerability analysis of buildings evaluated according to the vulnerability classes defined into the MSK(ITC-RegAbr2007); • the results of the first level MZS studies ( Fig. 1 Left column: “Micro zone omogenee in prospettiva sismica” (MOPS) of the first level MZS study. Right column: “Carta di Riduzione del Rischio” , left column), and the critical scenarios related to the Rischio Pirologico (Opendata Regione Abruzzo) and Rischio Idrogeologico e Idraulico (from P.A.I. and P.S.D.A. produced by the Autorità di Bacino). Using the risk scenarios, the different areas have been divided into three categories of low, medium, and high Potential Damage. The definition of the Potential Damage is a function of Exposure, Vulnerability and Hazard– f (E, V, H). The areas with the highest Potential Damage are those with high density of highly vulnerable buildings, high density of public and populated building, high exposure, and medium-high direct or indirect level of hazard. Generally, the high-