GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

562 GNGTS 2018 S essione 3.1 reflection. Finally, the Plio-Quaternary deposits, characterized by clay and marl sediments, both on platform and in the basin, are identified as Santerno Formation. Methods. The MS29 line has been reprocessed with the Echos and GeoDepth Paradigm software. We can divide the processing into three major steps: processing applied to pre-stack data and the pre-stack time migration, PSDM with 2D grid tomography and finally PSDM with horizon-based tomography. Processing in time domain. The main processing sequence steps adopted till the pre-stack time migrated section are: trace editing and geometry assignment, despiking, preliminary velocity analysis, deghosting, fold regularization (shots and receivers interpolation), SRME (Surface Related Multiple Elimination), amplitude recovery, predictive deconvolution and pre-stack time migration with iterative velocity analysis on the migrated gathers. After stack processing included an FX-deconvolution, a time variant filtering and a trace equalization. In particular the fold regularization is a procedure to adequate modern processing steps (SRME, pre-stack time migration) to our low fold coverage vintage data. Therefore, to mitigate the effects of data sampling aliasing, we increased fold coverage of the MS29 line before the SRME step (Verschuur, 1992) and the pre-stack migration (Yilmaz, 2001). 2D grid tomography. 2D grid tomography does not require an initial velocity-depth model, so it can be a useful starting point when it is difficult to make a preliminary interpretation due to Fig. 1 - Location map of the studied area (by Del Ben et al. , 2011, modified).