GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2018 S essione 3.1 565 final PSDM section (Fig. 3) shows reflectors with a good lateral continuity without artifacts or under/over-migration effects. The seismic processing phase presented in this work was made within the master thesis of the first author. Now a day we are currently working on the interpretation of the MS29 profile. This study will be integrated by other geophysical data (high-resolution multichannel seismic lines, CHIRP profiles and Multi-Beam data acquired by OCSS15 OGS project in 2015, ViDEPI dataset: seismic lines and wells). The focus is to correlate deep regional structures, as platform margins, faults and possible bright spots to shallow local structures and morphologies, as fracture systems, gas seeps, mud volcanoes and carbonate mounds that are present in the area. References Cosentino, D., & Gliozzi, E. (1988). Considerazioni sulle velocità di sollevamento di depositi eutirreniani dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia. Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana, 41, 653-665. Del Ben, A., Forte, E., Geletti, R., Mocnik, A., & Pipan, M. (2011). Seismic exploration of a possible gas-reservoir in the south Apulia foreland. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 52(4). Finetti, I. R., & Del Ben, A. (2005). Crustal tectono-stratigraphy of the Ionian Sea from new integrated CROP seismic data. Deep Seismic Exploration of the Central Mediterranean and Italy, CROP PROJECT, 19, 447-470. Landa, E., Kosloff, D., Keydar, S., Koren, Z., & Reshef, M. (1988). Method for determination of velocity and depth from seismic reflection data. Geophysical Prospecting, 36(3), 223-243. Mattavelli, L., Novelli, L., &Anelli, L. (1991). Occurrence of hydrocarbons in the Adriatic basin. Spec. Publ. EAPG, 1, 369-380. Picha, F. J. (2002). Late orogenic strike-slip faulting and escape tectonics in frontal Dinarides-Hellenides, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Albania, and Greece. AAPG bulletin, 86(9), 1659-1671. Ricchetti, G., Ciaranfi, N., Luperto Sinni, E., Mongelli, F., & Pieri, P. (1988). Geodinamica ed evoluzione sedimentaria e tettonica dell’avampaese apulo. Mem. Soc. Geol. It, 41(1), 57-82. Stampfli, G. M. (2005). Plate tectonics of theApulia-Adria microcontinents. CROP Project-Deep Seismic explorations of the Central Mediterranean and Italy, Section, 11, 747-766. Vai, G. B. (1994). Crustal evolution and basement elements in the Italian area: palaeogeography and characterization. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 36(141-44), 411-434. Verschuur, D. J., Berkhout, A. J., & Wapenaar, C. P. A. (1992). Adaptive surface-related multiple elimination. Geophysics, 57(9), 1166-1177. Yilmaz, Ö. (2001). Seismic data analysis: Processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data. Society of exploration geophysicists. EAST MEDITERRANEAN SEA CRUSTAL STRUCTURE FROM GOCE-BASED GLOBAL GRAVITY DATA M. Capponi 1 , D. Sampietro 2 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy 2 Geomatics Research & Development s.r.l., Lomazzo, Italy Introduction. The study of the crustal structure from satellite gravity data has several important applications in exploration for oil & gas as activities. For instance, it can give an important outlook on the main geological structures at regional scale that hardly can be recovered with other geophysical methods. In the present work, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) through the Value Adding Element (VAE) program, the Levant crustal structure is investigated starting from the inversion of gravity disturbances. In details a global geopotential model based on the GOCE satellite observations has been used constraining the inversion also with local seismic information.