GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

568 GNGTS 2018 S essione 3.1 Conclusions. The Levant basin test case has been thoroughly studied within the GIULIA project. The obtained results show how satellite-based gravity models, specifically the ESA satellite mission GOCE, can be proficiently used to obtain useful information for oil & gas exploration purposes. In details, it can be clearly seen from the present work how the GOCE-based data can help in defining homogeneous (from the density point of view) geological regions and consequently to deliver information on the nature of the studied crust. Moreover, the inversion of the gravitational field, properly complemented by external information such as density models, seismic profiles, etc. allows estimating both the Moho and the basement depths. Finally, the obtained results were used to develop a 3D density model for the studied region as well as to define the estimated accuracy of each discontinuity. Acknowledgements. This research has been funded by the ESAValue Adding Element (VAE) program through the GIULIA project (contract n. 8100031507). References Amante C. and Eakins B.W.; 2009: ETOPO1 1 arc-minute global relief model: procedures, data sources and analysis. Colorado: US Department of Commerce, NOAA, Marine Geology and Geophysics Division, URL: http://www. Ben-Avraham Z., Ginzburg A., Makris J., and Eppelbaum L.; 2002: Crustal structure of the Levant Basin, eastern Mediterranean . Tectonophysics,  346 (1-2), 23-43. DOI: (01)00226-8. Carlson R. and Raskin G.; 1984: Density of the ocean crust . Nature, 311 , 555–558, DOI: https://doi. org/10.1038/311555a0. Christensen N.I. and Mooney W.D.; 1995: Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: a global view . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 100 (B6), 9761–9788, DOI: https://doi. org/10.1029/95JB00259. Ergün M., Okay S., Sari C., Oral E. Z., Ash M., Hall J., and Miller H.; 2005: Gravity anomalies of the Cyprus Arc and their tectonic implications . Marine Geology, 221 (1-4), 349-358, DOI: margeo.2005.03.004. Gilardoni M., Reguzzoni M. and Sampietro D.; 2016: GECO: a global gravity model by locally combining GOCE data and EGM2008 . Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 60 (2), 228–247, DOI: 015-1114-4. Laske G., Masters G., Ma Z. and Pasyanos M.; 2013: Update on CRUST1.0 - A 1-degree global model of Earth’s crust . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15 , 2658. Longacre M., Bentham P., Hanbal I., Cotton J. and Edwards R.; 2007: New crustal structure of the Eastern Mediterranean basin: detailed integration and modeling of gravity, magnetic, seismic refraction, and seismic reflection data . EGM 2007 International Workshop. Reguzzoni M. and Sampietro D.; 2015: GEMMA: An Earth crustal model based on GOCE satellite data . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 35 (A), 31-43, DOI: jag.2014.04.002. Rossi L; 2017: Bayesian gravity inversion by Monte Carlo methods . PhD thesis. Rybakov M. and Segev A.; 2004: Top of the crystalline basement in the Levant . Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 5 (9), DOI: Sampietro D.; 2015: Geological units and Moho depth determination in the Western Balkans exploiting GOCE data . Geophysical Journal International, 202 (2), 1054-1063, DOI: Sampietro D., Capponi M., Triglione D., Mansi A. H., Marchetti P. and Sansò F.; 2016: GTE: a new software for gravitational terrain effect computation: theory and performances . Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173 (7), 2435- 2453, DOI: Tab. 1 - Example of accuracy analysis from Monte Carlo samples of the effect of uncertainties in the input. Model Model error (std) Effect on estimated Moho (std) Mantle density 120 kg/m 3 0.7 km Crystalline crust density 500 kg/m 3 2.4 km Gravity observation error 5 mGal 0.6 km