GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2018 S essione 3.1 579 sedimentary and structural elements are fundamental in the characterization of the study area, to help further processes of seismic interpretation and to improve the geological knowledge of this region. Acknowledgments. Thanks to ENI spa Upstream & Technical services (GEOS unit) for the opportunity given to develop this project. References Brice J. C.; 1974: Evolution of meander loops . Geological Society of America Bulletin, 85(4), 581-586. Gersztenkorn A. and Marfurt K. J.; 1999: Eigenstructure-based coherence computations as an aid to 3-D structural and stratigraphic mapping . Geophysics, 64(5), 1468-1479. Leopold L. B. and Wolman M. G.; 1957: River channel patterns: braided, meandering, and straight . US Government Printing Office. Partyka G., Gridley J. and Lopez J.; 1999: Interpretational applications of spectral decomposition in reservoir characterization. The Leading Edge, 18(3), 353-360. Puryear C. I., Portniaguine O. N., Cobos C. M. and Castagna J. P.; 2012: Constrained least-squares spectral analysis: Application to seismic data. Geophysics, 77(5), V143-V167. Savoye B., Babonneau N., Dennielou B. and Bez M.; 2009: Geological overview of the Angola–Congo margin, the Congo deep-sea fan and its submarine valleys. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies inOceanography, 56(23), 2169-2182. Sikkema W. and Wojcik K. M.; 2000: 3D visualization of turbidity systems, Lower Congo Basin, offshore Angola. In Deep-Water Reservoirs of theWorld, Gulf Coast Section Society of Economic Palaeontologists &Mineralogists Foundation, 20th Annual Conference of Deep-Water Reservoirs of the World Proceedings, December (Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 928-939). Taner M. T., Koehler F. and Sheriff R. E.; 1979: Complex seismic trace analysis. Geophysics, 44(6), 1041-1063. GEOTHERMAL FAVOURABILITY RANKING FOR SUPERCRITICAL RESOURCES DRIVEN BY NUMERICAL THERMAL MODELS IN SOUTHERN ITALY G. Gola, S. Botteghi, A. Donato, A. Santilano, E. Trumpy, A. Manzella Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy Unconventional, super-hot geothermal resources are attracting the world geoscientific community and electric power industries as a promising renewable energy source. Particularly, supercritical fluids play an important role in establishing a new green energy strategy. By exploiting a fluid above its supercritical point, which for pure water is at 374°C and 22 MPa, the energy output per production well increases by an order of magnitude in comparison with a conventional geothermal well. However, the abundance, location and size of such resources are still undefined. As the thermal structure is the main critical parameter, we investigated the underground temperature distribution in Southern Italy by integrating a large set of geological, geochemical and geophysical information. To study the regional-scale steady-state thermal structure resulting from the coupled heat transfer and fluid flow equations, we set-up several numerical models, each of theme characterized by a computational domain of about 100x100x20 km 3 . The solution is approximated through the finite element method within a numerical mesh of tetrahedral elements. As reliable subsurface temperatures are essential in geothermal studies, we analysed several hundred boreholes included in the Italian National Geothermal Database (BDNG, Trumpy and Manzella 2017). Geothermal boreholes provided static bottom-hole temperatures or high-resolution thermal profiles measured after large shut-in times (SBHT). The highest temperatures in geothermal areas are 420°C in the San Vito 1 well and 450°C in