GNGTS 2018 - 37° Convegno Nazionale

582 GNGTS 2018 S essione 3.1 References Cassano E., Fichera R. and Arisi Rota F. (1986). Rilievo aeromagnetico d’Italia: alcuni risultati interpretativi. Atti del 5° Convegno Annuale del Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida. Roma 17 – 19 novembre 1986. Cataldi R., Mongelli F., Squarci P., Taffi L., Zito G. and Calore C. (1995). Geothermal ranking of Italian territory. Geothermics 24 (1), 115–129 Della Vedova B., Bellani S., Pellis G. and Squarci P. (2000). Deep temperatures and surface heat flow distribution. In: Vai, G.B., Martini, I.P. (Eds.), Anatomy of an Orogen. The Apennines and Adjacent Mediterranean Basins. Kluwer Ac. Publ., Great Britain, pp. 65–76. Dowdle W.L. and Cobb W.M. (1975). Static formation temperature from well logs - An Empirical Method. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 27, 11, 1326 – 1330. Horner D.R. (1951). Pressure build-up in wells. Proceeding the 3rd World Petroleum Congress, 28 May-6 June, The Hague, the Netherlands, World Petroleum Congress (1951), pp. 25-43. Ingebritsen S.E. and Manning C.E. (2003). Implication of crustal permeability for fluid movement between terrestrial fluid reservoirs. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 78 – 79, 1 – 6. Manning C.E. and Ingebritsen S.E. (1999). Permeability of the continental crust: implications of geothermal data and metamorphic systems. Review of Geophysics, 37, 1, 127 – 150. Mongelli F., Zito G., Della Vedova B., Pellis G., Squarci P. and Taffi L. (1991). Geothermal regime of Italy and surrounding seas. In: Terrestrial Heat Flow and the Lithosphere Structure, V. Cermak and L. Rybach eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 507. Montanari D., Albanese C., Catalano R., Contino A., Fedi M., Gola G., Iorio M., La Manna M., Monteleone S., Trumpy E., Valenti V. and Manzella A. (2014): Contour map of the top of the regional geothermal reservoir of Sicily (Italy). Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2014.935503. Pasquale V., Chiozzi P., Gola G. and Verdoya M. (2008). Depth–time correction of petroleum bottom-hole temperatures in the Po Plain, Italy, Geophysics, 73, 187–196. Trumpy E. and Manzella A. (2017). Geothopica and the interactive analysis and visualization of the updated Italian National Geothermal Database. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 54, 28- 37. Vezzani L., Festa A. and Ghisetti F.C. (2010). Geology and Tectonic Evolution of the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy. Geological Society of America, 469. doi: AIRBORNE AND SATELLITE MODEL DATA ANALYSIS TO EXPLORE LITHOSPHERIC MAGNETIC SOURCES M. Milano, G. Di Fiore, M. Fedi Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse, Università degli Studi di Napoli ‘Federico II’, Italy In last decades potential field satellite mission aimed to investigate the magnetic and gravity fields of the Earth providing large volume of global coverage data. Low resolution and high altitude of satellite measurements, however, represent the main issue in reliable modelling of lithospheric magnetic field. In this work we evaluate the use satellite magnetic field model data to interpret magnetic sources within the crust and the results are compared with those obtained by high-resolution aeromagnetic field data inversion. Our attention is focused on the Adriatic region, where a large scale magnetic anomaly occurs between eastern Italy and the coast of Croatia. The Adria magnetic anomaly represents the main contribution to the southern Europe magnetic field up to satellite altitude. High altitude magnetic field datasets are produced by means of spherical harmonic expansion of the LCS-1 model coefficients (Olsen et al. , 2017): a model of the lithospheric magnetic field derived by CHAMP and SWARM satellite observations. On the other hand, the aeromagnetic dataset has been provided by Getech, being part of the EMMP project, which aimed to bring together all available magnetic data to yield a 1 km resolution grid of the total magnetic intensity field over the European region (Fletcher et al. , 2011). High-altitude aeromagnetic dataset is produced by means of upward continuation