GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

196 GNGTS 2019 S essione 1.3 two decades at Mt. Etna. We observed that all these sources depict a near vertical magmatic plumbing system slightly dipping North-westward. Along the magmatic plumbing system, the pressurizing sources are located in the 4 - 9 km (below sea level) depth interval, while the depressurizing ones lie in the 2 - 6 km (below sea level) depth interval. The majority of magmatic sources falls in the 3.5 - 5.5 km bsl depth interval. A small group of sources is located in the 7 - 8 km bsl depth interval. These features suggest as both depth interval would correspond to two distinct levels of magma stagnation where magma densities and country rock densities are just balanced, promoting long-term magma residence. Both depth levels well overlap with the magma environments (X-P-T- f O 2 -H 2 O-CO 2 ) inferred through thermodynamic modeling. References Briole P., Gaulon R., Nunnari G., Puglisi G., and Ruegg J. C.; 1992: Measurements of ground movement on Mount Etna, Sicily: a systematic plan to record different temporal and spatial components of ground movement associated with active volcanism . In Gasparini P., Scarpa R. andAki K. (eds), IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 3, 120-129. Cannata A., Di Grazia G., Giuffrida M., Gresta S., Palano M., Sciotto M., Viccaro M. and Zuccarello F.; 2018: Space-time evolution of magma storage and transfer at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy): the 2015-2016 reawakening of Voragine crater . Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 19 (2), 471-495, DOI 10.1002/2017GC007296. Ferlito C., Viccaro M., Nicotra E. and Cristofolini R.; 2012: Regimes of magma recharge and their control on the eruptive behaviour during the 2001-2005 period at Mt. Etna (Italy) . Bull. Volcanol., 74 , 533-543, DOI 10.1007/ s00445-011-0537-1. Kahl M., Chakraborty S., Pompilio M. and Costa F.; 2015: Constraints on the Nature and Evolution of the Magma Plumbing System of Mt. Etna Volcano (1991-2008) from a Combined Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modelling of the Compositional Record of Minerals . J. Petrol., 56 , 2025–2068, DOI 10.1093/petrology/egv063. Giuffrida M. and Viccaro M.; 2017: Three years (2011-2013) of eruptive activity at Mt. Etna: working modes and timescales of the modern volcano plumbing system from micro-analytical studies of crystals . Earth-Sci. Rev., 171 , 289-322, DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.06.003. Nicotra E. and Viccaro M.; 2012: Transient uprise of gas and gas-rich magma batches fed the pulsating behaviour of the 2006 eruptive episodes at Mt. Etna volcano . J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 227-228 , 102-118, DOI 10.1016/j. jvolgeores.2012.03.004. Palano M., Ferranti L., Monaco C., Mattia M., Aloisi M., Bruno V., Cannavò, F. and Siligato, G.; 2012: GPS velocity and strain fields in Sicily and southern Calabria, Italy: Updated geodetic constraints on tectonic block interaction in the central Mediterranean . J. Geophys. Res., 117, B07401, DOI 10.1029/2012JB009254. Tiampo K.F., Rundle J.B., Fernandez J. and Langbein, J.O.; 2000: Spherical and ellipsoidal volcanic sources at Long Valley caldera, California, using a genetic algorithm inversion technique . J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 102 , 189- 206, DOI 10.1016/S0377-0273(00)00185-2. Yang X.-M., Davis P.M. and Dieterich J.H.; 1988: Deformation from inflation of a dipping finite prolate spheroid in an elastic half-space as a model for volcanic stressing . J. Geophys. Res., 93 , 4249-4257 DOI: 10.1029/ JB093iB05p04249. Viccaro M., Ferlito C., Cortesogno L., Cristofolini R. and Gaggero L.; 2006: Magma mixing during the 2001 event at Mount Etna (Italy): effects on the eruptive dynamics . J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 149, 139-159, DOI 10.1016/j. jvolgeores.2005.06.004. Viccaro M., Calcagno R., Garozzo I., Giuffrida M. and Nicotra E.; 2015: Continuous magma recharge at Mt. Etna during the 2011 – 2013 period controls the style of volcanic activity and compositions of erupted lavas . Miner. Petrol., 109 , 67-83 DOI 10.1007/s00710-014-0352-4. Viccaro M., Zuccarello F., Cannata A., Palano, M. and Gresta S.; 2016: How a complex basaltic volcanic system works: constraints from integrating seismic, geodetic, and petrological data at Mount Etna volcano during the July-August 2014 eruption . J. Geophys. Res., 121 , 5659-5678, DOI 10.1002/2016JB013164. Viccaro M., Giuffrida M., Zuccarello F., Scandura M., Palano M. and Gresta S.; 2019: Violent paroxysmal activity drives self-feeding magma replenishment at Mt. Etna . Scientific Reports, 9, 6717, DOI 10.1038/s41598-019- 43211-9.