GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

16 GNGTS 2019 S essione 1.1 fringe the Adriatic foreland has been suggested for the Northern Apennines, facing the Po Plain foreland (Castellarin et al. , 1985; Masetti et al. , 2012; Livati et al. , 2018) and the Albanides, facing the Southern Adriatic foreland (Argnani, 2013). The Mesozoic paleogeography of the central-northern Adriatic is still less well defined and the structural trends, in particular, are poorly constrained. It will be explored whether the hints offered by the mid-lower crustal earthquakes of the Adriatic domain can help contraining the large-scale Mesozoic structural trends. Furthermore, an interference between seismicity related to the Apennine fold-and-thrust belt and the deeper foreland seismicity can be hypothesized. Acknowledgements. The data concerning location, hypocentral depth, magnitude, and focal mechanism of the earthquakes mentioned in the text are taken from the INGV website , unless otherwise indicated. References Argnani, A.; 2013: The influence of Mesozoic palaeogeography on the variations in structural style along the front of the Albanide thrust-and-fold belt. Ital. J. Geosci., 132, 175-185. Argnani, A., Favali, P., Frugoni, F., Gasperini, M., Ligi, M., Marani, M., Mattietti, G., and Mele, G.; 1993: Foreland deformational pattern in the southern Adriatic Sea: Annali di Geofisica, 36, 229–247. Argnani, A. and Frugoni F.; 1997: Foreland Deformation in the Central Adriatic and its Bearing on the Evolution of the Northern Apennines. Annali di Geofisica 40, 771-780. Argnani, A., Bonazzi, C., and Costa Pisani, P.; 2002: Neogene deformation in the central Adriatic Sea: Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 42, suppl., 135–138. Carannante, S., Argnani, A., Massa, M., D’Alema, E., Lovati, S., Moretti, M., Cattaneo, M., and Augliera, P.; 2015.: The May 20 (MW 6.1) and 29 (MW 6.0), 2012, Emilia (Po Plain, northern Italy) earthquakes: new seismotectonic implications from subsurface geology and high-quality hypocenter location. Tectonophysics 655, 107–123. Castellarin, A., Eva, C., Ciglia, G., and Vai, G. B.; 1985: Analisi strutturale del Fronte Appenninico Padano. Giornale di Geologia, 47, 47–75. Chiarabba, C., Jovane, L., and Di Stefano, R.; 2005: A new look to the Italian seismicity: seismotectonic inference. Tectonophysics 395, 251–268. Chiarabba, C., De Gori, P., and Mele, F.M.; 2015: Recent seismicity of Italy: Active tectonics of the central Mediterranean region and seismicity rate changes after the Mw 6.3 L’Aquila earthquake. Tectonophysics 638 (2015) 82–93. Fantoni, R., Bersezio, R. and Forcella F.; 2004: Alpine structure and deformation chronology at the Southern Alps-Po Plain border in Lombardy. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 123, 463-476. Fantoni, R., Dal Zotto, O., Fattorini, A., Martinis, S. and Stanculete, A.; 2014: Inversion structure in the Po Plain and Adriatic foreland (Northern Italy). Abstract, Societa’ Geologica Italiana, Milano. Herak, D., Herak, M., Prelogovic, T.E., Markusic, S. and Markulin, Z.; 2003: Jabuka island (Central Adriatic Sea) earthquakes of 2003. Tectonophysics 398 (2005) 167– 180. Livani, M., Scrocca, D., Arecco, P., and Doglioni, C.; 2018: Structural and stratigraphic control on salient and recess development along a thrust belt front: The Northern Apennines (Po Plain, Italy). JGR, 123, 4360–4387. Masetti, D., Fantoni, R., Romano, R., Sartorio, D. and Trevisani, E.; 2012: Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Jurassic extensional basins of the eastern southern Alps and Adriatic foreland based on an integrated study of surface and subsurface data. AAPG, AAPG Bulletin, 96, 2065–2089. Middleton, T.A. and Copley. A.; 2014: Constraining fault friction by re-examining earthquake nodal plane dips. Geoph. J. Int. 196, 671-680. Pace, P.; 2018: Emma Inversion Structure, Adriatic Sea, Italy, In: A. A. Misra and S. Mukherjee (eds.), Atlas of Structural Geological Interpretation from Seismic Images, 61-64. Scisciani, V.; 2009: Styles of positive inversion tectonics in the Central Apennines and in the Adriatic foreland: Implications for the evolution of the Apennine chain (Italy). Journal of Structural Geology 31, 1276–1294. Stanculete, A., Corrao, A., Cosgrove, J., Ronchi, P., Vandeginste, V., and Fantoni ,R.; 2014: Inversion structure of dinaric age in the Adriatic foreland (Northern Italy). Abstract, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Carbonates of the Neo- Tethys, Naples.