GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2019 S essione 2.2 481 Fig. 1 - Contour line map of the bedrock isobaths of Western L’Aquila Basin elaborated through microtremor data and borehole stratigraphy (modified from Nocentini et al. , 2017). Fig. 2 - Geo-lithological cross-section representative of Western L’Aquila Basin; col: colluvium (Holocene); all2: alluvial deposit (Holocene); terraced alluvial units: at3 (Upper Pleistocene), at1 (Middle Pleistocene); dbf: calcareous breccia (late Middle Pleistocene); all1: pelite, sand and lignite (Calabrian); ver2: calcareous breccia with fine-grained reddish matrix (Calabrian); ver1: heterometric breccias with clayey-silty matrix (late Piacenzian-Gelasian); BDR: Meso-Cenozoic bedrock. Gariel, 1986). Conversely, the widespread application of the HVNSR data with poor data and without a previously defined geological model is not recommended. In the studied area, the active and capable faults are the Pettino Fault, which is the master fault of Western L’Aquila Basin, and its western segment close to San Marco village; the Scoppito-Preturo Fault which Nocentini et al. (2017) recognized the recent activity (Fig. 3A); and the Pagliare Fault which corresponds to an antithetic segment in the Western L’Aquila Basin. For their definition, detailed paleosismological investigations are in progress. Another source of uncertainty is the occurrence of liquefaction phenomenon in the studied area. Several observations, suggesting that the large part of the Preturo-Sassa could suffer of
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