GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 541 The top of the MU is not clear, due to the high absorption of energy and to the gradual transition from the main gypsum lithology of the UU to the main halite sequence of the MU. In the Pre-MSC sequence there are discontinuous reflections, affected by normal faulting linked to the drifting phase. In the IAP we gridded each horizon using a flex-gridding technique and strong smoothing operations to remove artifacts due to the 2D interpolation and to attenuate the footprint of the seismic lines. Therefore, we obtained time-grid of each picked reflectors then, we converted them into depth-grid using the velocity model proposed by Camerlenghi et al. (2019). Once the depth grids were ready, we exported and inserted them in MigriX modeling and simulating software. MigriX software by MIGRIS. For modeling purpose, we used the MigriX software for the IAP case study. For the Malta Escarpment area the seismic dataset was too sparse therefore, we skipped this kind of modeling because of high artifacts-risk. We inserted the depth-grid of each interpreted horizon in a MigriX project. For each layer we assumed a simplified uniform lithology and we added some fictitious subsurfaces, assigning different hypothesized lithologies to each subsurface. Successively, we set up a temperature gradient of 27.7 °C/km after Erickson and Von Herzen (1978) and we defined the Petroleum System Elements (PSE), hypothesizing different scenarios of source rocks (i.e. Pre-MSC unit, bottom of the salt unit and one layer in the PQ succession). We also assigned different kerogen kinetics, based on Pepper and Corvi (1995). These authors explained the relationship between depositional environment, TOC (i.e. Total Organic Carbon) value and kerogen evolution kinetics. They classified five global organofacies: for our purpose, we decide to adopt the organofacies C for the Messinian units and the organofacies A for the marine sediments of the pre-MSC and of the PQ sedimentary cover (for organofacies definition see table in Fig. 2). Fig. 1 - Location map of the study areas with seismic dataset and boreholes proposed location.