GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 545 TOC) Lofi J., Déverchère J., Gaullier V., Gillet H., Gorini C., Guennoc P., Loncke L., Maillard A., Françoise S. and Thinon I.; 2011: Seismic atlas of the Messinian Salinity Crisis markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas (Vol. 179, pp. 1-72). Société Géologique de France. Lofi J.; 2018: Seismic Atlas of the Messinian Salinity Crisis markers in the Mediterranean Sea-Volume 2. McKenzie D. P.; 1967: Some remarks on heat flow and gravity anomalies . Journal of Geophysical Research, 72(24), 6261-6273. Melvin J. L.; 1991: ed. Evaporites, petroleum and mineral resources (Vol. 50) . Elsevier. Micallef A., Camerlenghi A., Garcia-Castellanos D., Otero D. C., Gutscher M. A., Barreca G., Spatola D., Facchin L., Geletti R., Krastel S., Gross F. and Morelia U.; 2018 : Evidence of the Zanclean megaflood in the eastern Mediterranean Basin . Scientific reports, 8(1), 1078. Pepper A. S., and Corvi P. J.; 1995 : Simple kinetic models of petroleum formation. Part I: oil and gas generation from kerogen . Marine and petroleum geology, 12(3), 291-319. Samperi L., Minelli G., Omosanya O. K., Zappone A., Waldmann N., Nazzareni S., Pauselli C. and Bianchi, F.; 2019 : Estimation of the physical, petrophysical and mineralogical properties of Messinian salt rocks, Sicily: Implications for multidisciplinary applications. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 104032. Shipboard Scientific Party; 1978: Site 374. DSDP Leg 42A Initial Reports , pp. 175-217. Sweeney J. J. and Burnham A. K.; 1990 : Evaluation of a simple model of vitrinite reflectance based on chemical kinetics (1) . AAPG bulletin, 74(10), 1559-1570. Tay P. L., Lonergan L., Warner M., Jones K. A., and IMERSE Working Group.; 2002 : Seismic investigation of thick evaporite deposits on the central and inner unit of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex . Marine Geology, 186(1-2), 167-194. Wygrala B.; 1989: Integrated study of an oil field in the southern Po basin, northern Italy (No. FZJ-2014-03033). Publikationen vor 2000. ON SEISMIC AMBIENT NOISE CROSS-CORRELATION AND SURFACE-WAVE ATTENUATION L. Boschi 1,2 , F. Magrini 3 , F. Cammarano 3 , M. van der Meijde 4 1 Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy 2 Sorbonne Université, Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris, Paris, France 3 Department of Geological Science, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italy 4 Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, The Netherlands The main purpose of this study is to clarify some aspects of the relationship between the cross correlation of seismic ambient noise and surface-wave attenuation (attenuation parameter α or quality factor Q ). It is known that this relationship is complicated by the need to process ambient-noise cross correlation data so as to reduce as much as possible the bias introduced by anomalous high-amplitude events (earthquakes). This is often achieved by subdividing continuous traces into shorter time intervals, which are then whitened and cross-correlated separately before being ‘stacked’ together; but whitening has a complicated effect on the mentioned noise-attenuation relationship (Weemstra et al. , 2014). We develop here a different normalization criterion, with practical effects similar to whitening, but obtained by simply manipulating the reciprocity theorem (Boschi and Weemstra, 2015) without any additional data processing. We thus derive a theoretical relationship between the ambient Rayleigh-wave cross correlation and the attenuation parameter α associated with Rayleigh-wave propagation. This relationship is valid, in practice, provided that sources of seismic ambient noise be (approximately) uniformly distributed over the surface of the earth, that their phases be random and uncorrelated, that the spectrum of noise sources be spatially uniform (i.e., in analogy with the numerical study of Cupillard and Capdeville (2010), all sources share the same spectral amplitude). Our experimental setup is chosen to approximately satisfy these requirements: