GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 555 References Bansal, A. R., Gabriel, G., Dimri, V. P. and Krawczyk, C. M.; (2011): Estimation of depth to the bottom of magnetic sources by a modified centroid method for fractal distribution of sources: An application to aeromagnetic data in Germany. Geophysics, 76, 3, L11—L22. Bhattacharyya B.K. and L.K. Leu: 1975; Analysis of magnetic anomalies over Yellowstone National Park: Mapping of Curie point isothermal surface for geothermal reconnaissance. Solid Earth and Planets, 80, 32, JB080i032p04461. Blakely R.J.; 1995: Potential Theory in Gravity & Magnetic Applications . Cambridge University Press. Bouligand C., Glen J. M. G. and Blakely R. J.; 2009: Mapping Curie temperature depth in the western United States with a fractal model for crustal magnetization. J. Geophys. Res., 114, B11104, doi:10.1029/2009JB006494. Fedi M., Quarta T. and Santis A.D.; 1997: Inherent power-law behavior of magnetic field power spectra from a Spector and Grant ensemble . Geophysics 62 (4), 1143-1150. Maus S., Gordon D. and Fairhead, J. D.; 1997: Curie temperature depth estimation using a self-similar magnetization model . Geophysical Journal International, 129, 1, 163-168. Pilkington M. and Todoeschuck J.P.; 1993: Fractal magnetization of continental crust. Geophysical Research Letters, 20,7, 627-630. Quarta T., Fedi M.and Santis A.D; 2000: Source ambiguity from an estimation of the scaling exponent of potential field power spectra . Geophysical Journal International, 140, 2, 311–323. Spector A. and Grant F. S.; 1970: Statistical Models for Interpreting Aeromagnetic Data . Geophysics, 35, 293-302. Tanaka A., Okubo Y. and Matsubayashi O.; 1999: Curie point depth based on spectrum analysis of the magnetic anomaly data in East and Southeast Asia . Tectonophysics, 306, 3, 461-470. BEST INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY IN EAST CAMERON SOUTH ADDITION, GULF OF MEXICO F. Lima, A. Akimbekova, Z. Namazbayeva, L. Arias, A. Niamir, M. Golla, M. Ercoli Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy Introduction. The Gulf of Mexico Basin (GOM) is one of the world’s great petroleum mega provinces, with a long hydrocarbon producing history that still remains an active and successful exploration province in NorthAmerica. This study aims to define the best investment opportunity of selected prospects in East Cameron South Addition (ECSA) block using geological and 3D geophysical data as well as risk management and business valuation. Regional Geology. The GOM basin was created by an episode of crustal extension and sea floor spreading during the Mesozoic breakup of Pangea. Its depositional history starts in Middle Jurassic with the widespread deposition of Louann salt, followed by a Mesozoic sequence deposited during a rising sea level, mainly dominated by limestones with the presence of minor deltas. During the Cenozoic, falling of the sea level caused delta progradation and deposition of a siliciclastic sequences (Galloway, 2008). The study area is the brownfield and located in offshore Louisiana (Fig. 1), characterized by predominantly prograding deltaic sequences with sandstones and shales of Upper Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene age. Source rocks were assumed to be from Wilcox Formation (Paleocene – Eocene) and Sparta Formation (Eocene), both characterized as gas prone kerogene (Hackley, 2012). Data and Method . The dataset of the project includes 3D seismic volume of 252 square miles, 36 wells and 15 well logs, managed with the Kingdom Software. Petroleum System analysis was possible through seismic interpretation and correlation with existing wells production data. 3D Seismic interpretation allowed to define the structure of the ECSAblock and possible traps. Several structural traps were interpreted delimited by growth faults associated to salt diapirs; stratigraphical traps, associated with lateral heterogeneity of the sediments were defined as well. The interpreted growth faults were recognized as primary trapping mechanism