GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 557 and later we performed an amplitude extraction. Further to obtain final depth maps, main horizons and faults were depth converted using velocity models from checkshot T-D tables. During the interpretation the so-called “bright spot” (the local high amplitude anomaly) on the seismic profile were recognized. It is well known that “bright spots” has been widely used in the oil and gas exploration as one of the important indications of oil and gas. The “bright spots” was interpreted as a direct indication of gas-bearing sandstones in ECSA, it was confirmed and evident from the production history of the existing wells. After the RMS Amplitudes extraction (Fig. 3), bright anomalies allowed to outline zones representing possible accumulations of gas charged sandstones. Available well logs from the study area (Gamma Ray, Spontaneous Potential, Resistivity and Conductivity) were interpreted, with the aim to define reservoir lithology and to identify pay intervals. In order to define the petrophysical parameters for volumetric calculations, existing well logs and production data were used as analogues.. The chance of geological success was analyzed throughout 5 aspects: (1) source, (2) timing/migration, (3) reservoir, (4) closure and (5) containment. This assessment comes from petroleum system analysis through seismic interpretation, wells data and production history. Uncertainties can come from lateral changes in reservoir properties, presence of shallow gas on the surface and seismic resolution. Fig. 3 – Etruscan Porspect indicated in amplitude map (top left) and Structural map (top right). Results and conclusions. During the project development geological settings and petroleum system are defined using bibliography information, wells data (formation tops, log curves, production history) and detailed 3D seismic interpretation. The latter allowed us to define structure of the ECSA and possible traps. Interpreted growth faults are the primary trapping mechanism and have an effect on hydrocarbon accumulation. Extracted Amplitudes maps, of bright anomalies, allowed to outline zones representing possible accumulations of gas charged sandstones. Overall 10 prospects were defined, and 2 of them considered as the main ones: Etruscan and Dante_5. All characterized as gas prone. Potential the best prospect was defined as the best investment opportunity, with OGIP of 306 BCF in an area of 921 ac and 245 BCF of recoverable resources (80% recovery factor). Business valuation analysis indicates a NPV10=277$MM, IRR=47.6%, 51% of geological success, and EMV=136$MM in a pay back period of 2 .1 years calculated. Acknowledgments. Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Allen Bertagne and Jesus Ortiz for the continuous support during our project stages. Thanks for providing invaluable guidance throughout this project,