GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

578 GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 low magnitude (M max = 4.8) seismicity. Our integrated analysis has identified buried active faults in the plain and the outcropping Mt. Massico and Mts. Avella active fault systems bordering the plain. Moreover, we characterized the 3D geometry and depth extent of the two faults bordering the Mt. Massico horst, combining the results of the DEXP method with re-processed earthquake hypocentral sections. The fault in the northern sector of Mt. Massico has a subvertical geometry and the fault in the southern sector of the mount is a normal fault dipping 70° SE (Gaudiosi et al. , 2012; Luiso et al. , 2018); Fig. 1 - Merge of structural, seismological and gravimetric datasets in the studies area: a) Mt. Vettore-Mt. Bove, b) l’Aquila, c) San Giuliano di Puglia, d) Mt. Massico. Faults from literature in black lines; MDA gravimetric lineaments in white lines; earthquakes in black dots for a), b), c), earthquakes in red dots and relocated earthquakes in yellow dots, for d).