GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.1 585 the PSDM project: new interpreted horizons were used to extract seismic attributes from the new PSDM volume, helping to identify amplitude absorption related to gas presence, and spectral decomposition with RGB blending technique was used to detect stratigraphic features and bright anomalies, defining their real extensions. An AVO sensitivity study was performed using the new depth seismic data, to assess the amplitude vs offset response on key conventional and unconventional layers, helping to further de-risk future exploration activities. With the awareness of key success factors and issues, effective sub-surface depth imaging using legacy datasets is a very practical and successful option. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Eni S.p.a. Upstream and Techical Services for the permission to publish this work. A special thanks goes to all members of the different teams involved in this huge processing project; without their contributions and passion it should not have been possible to achieve the presented results. References Bertello F., Fantoni R., Franciosi R., Gatti V., Ghielmi M. and PuglieseA.; 2010: From thrust-and-fold belt to foreland: hydrocarbon occurences in Italy , in Vining B.A. & Pickering S.C (eds), Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basin to New Frontiers. Proceedings of the 7 th Petroleum Geology Conference , Geol. Soc., DOI 10.1144/0070113, pp. 113-126. Cazzini F., Dal Zotto O., Fantoni R., Ghielmi M., Ronchi P and Scotti P.; 2015: Oil and gas in the Adriatic foreland, Italy , J. Petroleum Geology , 2015, v. 38 (3), pp. 255-279. Fantoni R. and Franciosi R.; 2010: Tectono-sedimentary setting of the Po Plain and Adriatic foreland, Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei , v. 21, suppl. 1, DOI 10.1007/s12210-010-0102-4, pp. 197–209. Fig. 3 - Wells cluster used for the calibration of the top Pliocene a), map distribution of the velocity scaling factors b) Top Pliocene mis-ties statystical distributions before and after well-calibration c) and d).