GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

716 GNGTS 2019 S essione 3.2 to high amplitude (HARP: High Amplitude Reflection packages) (Posamentier, 2002). These reflectors show mainly a horizontal arrangement but sometimes are tilted and dragged along the normal faults affecting the Corso section. The lower boundary of the facies L is developed on an unconformable and irregular surface, on top the facies R. Based on this assumption and on the borehole stratigraphy, the facies L corresponds to the Calabrian MDS. The overlaying FGS (lower Middle Pleistocene), composed mainly of silty sand, is possibly included in this seismic facies, because it is not lithologically distinguishable from MDS. Conversely, the borehole logs evidenced different facies between FGS and MDS. Fig. 1 - The high-resolution seismic reflection investigation in L’Aquila historical centre (Corso section). A) depth- migrated reflection profile (horizontal scale= common deep point, vertical scale= two-way time); B) line drawing (horizontal scale= linear meters, vertical scale= two-way time); C) line drawing with the recognised seismo- stratigraphic units (horizontal scale= linear meters, vertical scale= two-way time). Legend: 1- seismic facies BC interpreted as CMA; 2- channelized bodies in CMA; 3- seismic facies L interpreted as MDS and FGS; 4- seismic facies Ls interpreted as channelized bodies in MDS; 5- seismic facies R interpreted as CCF; 6- seismic facies S interpreted as the Meso-Cenozoic bedrock; 7- fault; 8- bottom of channelized bodies; 9- unconformity; 10- top of Meso-Cenozoic bedrock.; PDF: Piazza Duomo Fault.