GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

58 GNGTS 2019 S essione 1.1 Pierantoni, P., Deiana, G. and Galdenzi, S.; 2013: Stratigraphic and structural features of the Sibillini Mountains (Umbria-Marche Apennines, Italy) . Italian Journal of Geosciences 132(3), 497–520. Pitts, A. D., Casciano, C. I., Patacci, M., Longhitano, S. G., Di Celma, C., and McCaffrey, W. D.; 2017: Integrating traditional field methods with emerging digital techniques for enhanced outcrop analysis of deep water channel- fill deposits. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 87, 2-13. Renard, F., Voisin, C., Marsan, D., and Schmittbuhl, J.; 2006: High resolution 3D laser scanner measurements of a strike - slip fault quantify its morphological anisotropy at all scales. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(4). Renard, F., Mair, K., and Gundersen, O.; 2012: Surface roughness evolution on experimentally simulated faults. Journal of Structural Geology, 45, 101-112. Renard, F., Candela, T., and Bouchaud, E.; 2013: Constant dimensionality of fault roughness from the scale of micro - fractures to the scale of continents . Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (1), 83-87. Scholz, C. H.; 2019:  The mechanics of earthquakes and faulting . Cambridge university press. Villani, F., and Open EMERGEO Working Group; 2018: A database of the coseismic effects following the 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquake in Central Italy . Science Data. 5, 180049. Zambrano, M., Pitts, A.D., Salama, A., Volatili, T., Giorgioni, M. and Tondi, E.; 2019: Analysis of Fracture Roughness Control on Permeability Using SfM and Fluid Flow Simulations: Implications for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization. Geofluids 2019, 1–19. THE POST-SEISMIC EFFECTS OF THE FIANDACA PENNISI-PENNISI SHEAR ZONE, DECEMBER 26TH 2018 (MT. ETNA VOLCANO) G. De Guidi 1,2 , G. Barreca 1,2 , D. Bella 6 , F. Brighenti 1,2 , V. Bruno 5 , F. Carnemolla 1,2 , A. Figlioli 1 , M. Mattia 5 , M. Menichetti 3,4 , R. Pettinato 6 , M. Roccheggiani 3,4 , L. Scarfì 5 , G. Tringali 6 , C. Monaco 1,2 1 Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, Catania, Italy 2 CRUST, UR-UniCT, Catania, Italy 3 Department of Pure and Applied Sciences (DiSPeA), University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy 4 CRUST, UR-Chieti, Italy 5 INGV Etna Observatory, Catania, Italy 6 Freelance geologist Introduction. On 26 th December 2018 the eastern slope of the Mt. Etna volcano was affected by a seismic sequence with maximum magnitude of 4.8 with epicenter located at about 4 km NE from the village of Viagrande at a depth of about 0.3 km (Gruppo Analisi Dati Sismici; 2019) (Fig. 1). The earthquake was preceded by a seismic swarm on the upper south-western sector of the volcano and by an eruptive event in the summit area, occurred on 24th December 2018 (Gruppo Analisi Dati Sismici; 2019). and the crustal deformation related to the active intrusion of a dike, triggered the seismic reactivation of tectonic structures of Mt.Etna’s eastern flank.. The Fiandaca Pennisi- fault, one of the most seismically active shear zones belonging to the upslope extension of the Timpe fault system was reactivated, indeed, few hours after that intrusion in the SE flank of Mount Etna. This fault extends for about 8 km long with a NNW- SSE trending, the southern tip of the fault is located in the city of Acireale whereas the northern tip reaching the village of Fleri (Fig. 1). In this work, we focus on a re-analysis of data collected during this seismic crisis and we show some results of a multidisciplinary dataset on: i) analysis of historical and instrumental seismicity, ii) mapping of historical and last coseismic fracturing, iii) analysis of geodetic (GPS and InSAR) data. Analysis of historical and instrumental seismicity. We analysed the seismicity occurred in the southeastern sector of the volcano, within few kilometers from the Fiandaca Pennisi fault, during the period November 2018 - February 2019. The events recorded by the INGV seismic network ( ; Gruppo Analisi Dati Sismici, 2019) were located by using the code TomoDDPS (Zhang et al. , 2009) and the 3D velocity model by