GNGTS 2019 - Atti del 38° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2019 S essione 1.1 61 differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (D-InSAR) processing we used the open source Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) toolbox. The coseismic slip of the Fiandaca Pennisi fault resulted in a mainly horizontal movement of more than 15 cm towardsWand 20 cm towards E directions in the LOS direction (Fig. 3). Small- scale deformations patterns are detected also along the other faults of the eastern and southern side of the volcano, where aseismic slip occurred inside the timespan of the interferogram. Many discontinuities are easy detectable even from the wrapped phase thanks to the high final coherence achieved. With Sentinel-1 data along the Fiandaca Pennisi fault we have produced the differential interferograms (DESCENDING geometry). This wrapped interferogram is overlaid on the result of a filter that enhances the visibility of linear discontinuities, corresponding to faults and ground ruptures. This filter has been applied to the unwrapped interferogram. Along the main fault, the strong coseismic displacement is responsible for the decorrelated signal. However, the southern branches of the fault are clearly visible. The SAR results can be useful as a field mapping guide. Fig. 3 - Differential interferograms (DESCENDING geometry) with on transparency the unwrapped interferogram where the jumpes of fringe are highlighted by a filter. Each colour cycle (red-blue-yellow) represents approximately 3 cm of motion in the radar line of sight. Conclusion. Our data suggest that a dike intruded at sea level and the consequent widespread deformation the eastern slope of Mt. Etna Volcano has perturbed and concentrate local stress field along the margin of major tectonic discontinuities (Griffith 1921; Tsuchida and Nakahara, 1970; Soutas-Little, 1973; Boresi and Sidebottom 1985) triggering coseismic and