GNGTS 2021 - Atti del 39° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2021 S essione 1.1 10 tensional phase and the Miocene foreland flexural process. Most of the normal faults mapped at the surface, also with clear surface expression and currently active, appear to be segmented and transported within the thrust sheets. The 3D model allows for the comprehension of subsequent deformational stages and the recognition of the widespread reactivation of inherited structures, sometimes inverting their kinematics with different styles and rates (Buttinelli et al ., 2021). Understanding the long-term geologic records, through an extensive and detailed field sur- vey, played a fundamental role in defining this complex history, representing a key to deciphe- ring, distinguishing, and confirming all the different stages of deformation and fault relationships. The RETRACE-3D model strengthens that only a multidisciplinary approach that extends the di- sciplines traditionally related to paleoseismology and seismic studies and integrates long-term geological history with subsurface constraints allows for a complete comprehension of complex structural architectures and geological history. The RETRACE-3D results feed the debate about the seismogenic potential of faults identified both at depth and surface (RETRACE-3D Working Group, 2021). In fact, the comparison of the relocated mainshocks and aftershocks of the 2016-2017 seismic sequence with the 3D geometry of the modeled faults highlighted that they are often aligned or close to segments of inherited faults, both compressional and extensional (Buttinelli et al ., 2021). Finally, the RETRACE-3D project, according to FAIR data principles, guarantees free access to the 3D model, the project report, and related metadata ( html) to provide the scientific community with a tool useful for further applications related to the seismic hazard assessment workflows and in developing seismotectonics interpretations, sup- ported by subsurface three-dimensional constraints. Bibliografia Buttinelli M., Petracchini L., Maesano F.E., D’Ambrogi C., Scrocca D., Marino M., Capotorti F., Bigi S., Cavi- nato G.P., Mariucci M.T., Montone P. and Di Bucci D.; 2021: The impact of structural complexity, fault segmentation and reactivation on seismotectonics: constraints from the upper crust of the 2016-2018 Central Italy seismic sequence area . Tectonophysics, 810, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228861. Di Bucci D., Buttinelli M., D’Ambrogi C., Scrocca D. and the RETRACE-3D Working Group; 2021: RETRACE-3D project: a multidisciplinary collaboration to build a crustal model for the 2016-2018 Central Italy seismic sequence . Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 62 (1) , 1-18, doi: 10.4430/bgta0343. RETRACE-3D Central Italy Geological Model; 2021: doi: 10.13127/retrace-3d/geomod.2021. RETRACE-3D Working Group; 2021: RETRACE-3D: centRal italy EarThquakes integRAted Crustal modEl. Rapporto finale . Eds. INGV, ISPRA, CNR-IGAG, DPC. Roma, pp. 100, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4604940. Corresponding author: