GNGTS 2021 - Atti del 39° Convegno Nazionale

487 GNGTS 2021 S essione 3.3 We specify that the harmonic properties of the elastic problem allow the evaluation of the vertical derivative of the deformation; therefore, we also use this operator to retrieve more detailed information on the morphological features of the source or to improve the resolution in case of interference among field signals related to different deformation sources. Finally, we apply the Multiridge and ScalFun methods to analyse DInSAR measurements recorded at different volcanic sites; inparticular, weprovide reliable andunambiguous geometrical information for the active sources responsible of the observed unrests at Okmok volcano (Alaska, Usa), Uturuncu volcano (Bolivia) and Fernandina volcano (Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador). To do this, we take into account different components of deformation, as the vertical, the LOS and the E-W ones, and their p th order vertical derivatives. We remark this new approach represents a crucial tool for fixing modeling ambiguities and to provide useful information for monitoring purposes and/or for constraining the geometry of the volcanic systems. Fig. 1 - Vertically elongated sources test: vertical component. Modeled vertical component related to the (a) Sphere, (b) Ellipsoid 1 and (c) Ellipsoid 2 cases, to which Multiridge and ScalFun methods are applied. (d) Vertical deformation profiles extracted along the AB trace (black dashed lines) for the three considered fields. (e) Results of Multiridge method for the three considered cases; the horizontal black dashed line indicates the modeled data reference level. (f) Source estimates by ScalFun methods applied on the central ridge for each case; emark this new approach represents a crucial tool for fixing modeling ambiguities and to seful information for monitoring purposes and/or for constraining the geometry of the systems. Vertically elongated sources test: vertical component. Modeled vertical component related to here, (b) Ellipsoid 1 and (c) Ellipsoid 2 cases, to which Multiridge and ScalFun methods are d) Vertical deformation profiles extracted along the AB trace (black dashed lines) for the three fields. (e) Results of Multi i g method for t e three considered cases; the horizontal black e indicates th modeled data ref rence l l. (f) Source es imates by ScalFun methods appli d on l ridge for each case; q = 1 z while τ = ∂ log ( w ( z ) ) ∂ log z , where w and z represent the vertical n and the vertical scale, respectively. NCES while ark this new approach rep sents a cru ial tool for fixing modeling ambigu ties and to ul information for monitoring pur oses and/or for constraining the g ometry of the tems. rtically elongated sources te t: vertical omponent. Modeled vertical omponent relat d to e, (b) Ellipsoid 1 and (c) Ellipsoid 2 cases, to which Multiridge and ScalFun methods are ertical deformation profiles extracted along the AB trace (black dashed lines) for the three elds. (e) Result of Multiridge method for th three considered cases; the oriz ntal black dicates he model d data referenc level. (f) Source imates by ScalFun methods applied o idge for each c se; q = 1 z while τ = ∂ log ( w ( z ) ) ∂ log z , where w and z represent the v rtical nd the vertical scale, resp ctively. ES where k this new approach repres nts a crucial tool for fix ng modeling ambiguities and to information for monitori g purpose and/or for constrai ng the geometry of the s. one2@uni ically elongated sources test: v r ical compone t. Model d vertical compone t related to (b) Ellipsoid 1 and (c) Ellipsoid 2 cases, to which Multiridge and ScalFun methods are rtical deformation profiles extracted along the AB trace (black d she lines) for the thre s. (e) Results of Multiridge method f r the three consi r cases; th horizontal black cates the modeled dat r fer nc l v l. (f) Source estimates by alFun methods applied on e for each c se; q = 1 z while τ = ∂ log ( w ( z ) ) ∂ log z , where w and z represent he vertical the vertical scale, respectively. S and this new ap roach repres nts a crucial tool for ixing modeling ambi uities and to nformation f r monit ring purpose and/or for const aini g the g ometry of he . ne2@u i lly elongat d sources test: vertical comp ne t. Model vertical comp nent related to ) Ellipso d 1 and (c) Ellipsoid 2 case , to which Multiridge and ScalFun methods are cal deformation profiles extracted along the AB trace (black dashed lines) for the ee (e) R sults of Multiridge method f r the ee consider cases; the horizontal black tes the model at r f r nc l v . (f) Source estima es by ScalFun ds a plied on for each case; q = 1 z while τ = ∂ log ( w ( z ) ) ∂ log z , wher w and z repres nt he vertical he vertical scale, respectively. rep es nt th v rtical deform on and the vertical scale, respectively.