GNGTS 2021 - Atti del 39° Convegno Nazionale
GNGTS 2021 S essione 3.3 488 References Avallone A., Zollo A., Briole P., Delacourt C. and Beauducel F.; 1999: Subsidence of Campi Flegrei (Italy) de- tected by SAR interferometry . Geophysical Research Letters, 26 , 15, 2303-2306. Battaglia M., Cervelli P. F. and Murray J. R.; 2013: dMODELS: A MATLAB software package for modeling crustal deformation near active faults and volcanic centers . Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 254 , 1-4, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.12.018. Camacho A., Fernandez J., Samsonov S. V., Tiampo K. F. and Palano M.; 2020: 3D multi-source model of elastic volcanic ground deformation . Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 547 , 116445, doi:10.1016/j. epsl.2020.116445. Castaldo R., Gola G., Santilano A., De Novellis V., Pepe S., Manzo M., Manzella A. and Tizzani P.; 2017: The role of thermo-rheological properties of the crust beneath Ischia Island (Southern Italy) in the modula- tion of the ground deformation pattern . Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 344 , 154- 173, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.03.003. Castaldo R., Barone A., Fedi M. and Tizzani P.; 2018: Multiridge Method for Studying Ground-Deformation Sources: Application to Volcanic Environments . Scientific Reports, 8 :13420, doi:10.1038/s41598-018- 31841-4. Cervelli P., Murray M. H., Segall P., Aoki Y. And Kato T.; 2001: Estimating source parameters from defor- mation data, with an application to the March 1997 earthquake swarm off the Izu Peninsula, Japan . Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 , B6, 11217-11237. D’Auria L., Pepe S., Castaldo R., Giudicepietro F., Macedonio G., Ricciolino P., Tizzani P., Casu F., Lanari R., Manzo M., Martini M., Sansosti E. and Zinno I.; 2015: Magma injection beneath the urban area of Na- ples: a new mechanism for the 2012-2013 volcanic unrest at Campi Flegrei caldera . Scientific Reports, 5 :13100, doi:10.1038/srep13100. Dzurisin D.; 2007: Volcano Deformation, Geodetic Monitoring Techniques . Praxis Publishing, Springer. Fedi M.; 2007: DEXP: A fast method to determine the depth and the structural index of potential fields sources . Geophysics, 72 , 1, I1-I11, doi:10.1190/1.2399452. Fedi M., Florio G. and Quarta T. A. M.; 2009: Multiridge analysis of potential fields: Geometric method and reduced Euler deconvolution . Geophysics, 74 , 4, L53-L65, doi:10.1190/1.3142722. Love A. E. H.; 1906: A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity . Cambridge University Press, second edition. Lu Z., Mann D. and Freymueller J.; 1998: Satellite Radar Interferometry Measures Deformation at Okmok Volcano . EOS, 79 , 39, 461-476. Lu Z., Mann D., Freymueller J. T. and Meyer D. J.; 2000: Synthetic aperture radar interferometry of Okmok volcano, Alaska: Radar observations . Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 , B5, 10791-10806. Milano M., Fedi M. and Fairhead J. D.; 2016: The deep crust beneath the Trans-European Sutu- re Zone from a multiscale magnetic model . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121 , doi:10.1002/2016JB012955. Newman A. V., Dixon T. H. and Gourmelen N.; 2006: A four-dimensional viscoelastic deformation model for Long Valley Caldera, California, between 1995 and 2000 . Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 150 , 244-269, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2005.07.017. Pepe S., De Siena L., Barone A., Castaldo R., D’Auria L., Manzo M., Casu F., Fedi M., Lanari R., Bianco F. and Tizzani P.; 2019: Volcanic structures investigation through SAR and seismic interferometric me- thods: The 2011-2013 Campi Flegrei unrest episode . Remote Sensing of Environment, 234 , 111440, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111440. Rodriguez-Molina S., Gonzalez P. J., Charco M., Negredo A. M. and Schmidt D.A.; 2021: Time-Scales of Inter- eruptive Volcano Uplift Signals: Three Sisters Volcanic center, Oregon (USA) . Frontiers in Earth Science, 8 , 645: 1-30, doi:10.3389/feart.2020.577588. Vitale A. and Fedi M.; 2020: Self-constrained inversion of potential fields through a 3D depth weighting . Geophysics, 85 , 6, G143-G156, doi:10.1190/GEO2019-0812.1. Autore di riferimento:
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