GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

98 GNGTS 2022 Sessione 1.2 Fig. 3, shows the  qni  values computed for 100 different couples of STA/LTA sizes, taken from  sta_list  and  lta_list . i.e. the couples (1,10), (1,20), (1,30), …, (1,100), (2, 10), (2, 20), (2, 30), …, (2, 100), … (3,10), (3,20), (3,30), …, (3,100), … . The values of  qni  are represented by the radius of the blue circles, the abscissa of the circle indicates the LTA values while the ordinate the STA values. The larger the radius of the circles, the more reliable the combination of window sizes for automatic cutting. This result is an example of execution of the algorithm using a subset of the entire dataset, precisely, considering the raw data of 1 day: 27 raw signals of about 1 hour each with 153 EQ signals associated with. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Dario Delle Donne from INGV-OV, to give us the data from STRA Seismic Station. References Calvari S. Giudicepietro F., Di Traglia F., Bonaccorso A., Macedonio G. and Casagli, N.; 2021: Variable Magnitude and Intensity of Strombolian Explosions: Focus on the Eruptive Processes for a First Classification Scheme for Stromboli Volcano (Italy) . Remote Sensing, 13, 944, DOI 10.3390/rs13050944. Cortés G., Carniel R. Lesage P., Mendoza M. and Della Lucia I.; 2021: Practical Volcano-Independent Recognition of Seismic Events: VULCAN.ears Project. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 8, 702, DOI 10.3389/feart.2020.616676. Fenner D., Rümpker G., Li W., Chakraborty M., Faber J., Köhler J., Stoecker H. and Srivastava N.; 2022: Automated Seismo-Volcanic Event Detection Applied to Stromboli (Italy). Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, DOI 10.3389/ feart.2022.809037. Giudicepietro F., Calvari S., Alparone S., Bianco F., Bonaccorso A., Bruno V., Caputo T., Cristaldi A., D’Auria L., Cesare W., Di Lieto B., Esposito A., Gambino S., Inguaggiato S., Macedonio G., Martini M., Mattia M., Orazi M., Paonita A. and Vita, F.; 2019: Integration of Ground-Based Remote-Sensing and In Situ Multidisciplinary Monitoring Data to Analyze the Eruptive Activity of Stromboli Volcano in 2017-2018 . Remote Sensing, 11, 1813, DOI 10.3390/ rs11151813. Giudicepietro F., López C., Macedonio G. et al.; 2020: Geophysical precursors of the July-August 2019 paroxysmal eruptive phase and their implications for Stromboli volcano (Italy) monitoring . Sci. Rep. 10, 10296, DOI 10.1038/ s41598-020-67220-1. Harris, A. and Ripepe M.; 2007: Synergy of multiple geophysical approaches to unravel explosive eruption conduit and source dynamics – A case study from Stromboli . Chemie der Erde – Geochem., 67, 1-35, DOI 10.1016/j. chemer.2007.01.003.