GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

8 GNGTS 2022 Sessione 1.1 (Gerardi et al. , 2008). Different offshore faults and landslides have been proposed in the literature to account for the 1693 earthquake and tsunami. The tsunamigenic potential of some of these sources has been investigated. References Argnani A.; 2014: Comment on the article “Propagation of a lithospheric tear fault (STEP) through the western boundary of the Calabrian accretionary wedge offshore eastern Sicily (Southern Italy)” by Gallais et al. , 2013 Tectonophysics. Tectonophysics, 610, 195–199. Argnani A., Brancolini G., Bonazzi C., Rovere M., Accaino F., Zgur F., Lodolo E.; 2009: The results of the Taormina 2006 seismic survey: possible implications for active tectonics in the Messina Straits. Tectonophysics, 476 (1–2), 159–169. Argnani A., Armigliato A., Pagnoni G., Zaniboni F., Tinti S. and Bonazzi C.; 2012: Active tectonics along the submarine slope of South-Eastern Sicily and the source of the 11 January 1693 earthquake and tsunami. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12 (5), 1311–1319. Argnani A.; 2021: Comment on “New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source” by L. Schambach, S.T. Grilli, D.R. Tappin, M.D. Gangemi, G. Barbaro [Marine Geology 421 (2020) 106093]. Mar. Geol., 442, 106634 Fig. 1. - Simplified tectonic map of the western Ionian region, showing a compilation of the main structural features. Faults are from Argnani, 2014 (in red), from Gutscher et al. , 2017 (in black), and from Maesano et al. , 2020 (dark blue). Lines with rectangles: extensional faults; lines with triangles: thrusts and reverse faults, lines with diamonds: anticlines. The red dashed line in the Messina Strait represents a flexure. The North and South branches of the AFS are after Gutscher et al. (2017). The structures are superimposed on the morpho-bathymetry of Gutscher et al. (2017). HP Hyblean Plateau, ME Malta Escarpment, AS Alfeo Smt., AFS Alfeo Fault System. The map in the inset shows and enlargement of the Messina Strait with some of the recently proposed faults and landslides. MTF Messina-Taormina Fault (after Meschis et al. , 20), SCF South Calabria Fault (Argnani et al. , 2009). The W-Fault is after Barreca et al. (2021). ME and RC indicate the cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria, respectively. The greenish area is the landslides studied by Schambach et al. (2020), whereas the white ellipses with a direction line represent the landslides modelled by Favalli et al. (2009).