GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2022 Sessione 1.1 9 Argnani A.; 2022: Comment on the paper by Barreca et al. : “The Strait of Messina: Seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake” (Earth-Science Reviews 218, 2021, 103685). Earth-Sci. Rev., 226, 103961. Argnani A. and Bonazzi C.; 2005: Malta escarpment fault zone offshore eastern Sicily: pliocene-quaternary tectonic evolution based on new multichannel seismic data. Tectonics, 24. doi:10.1029/2004tc001656 Barreca, G., Gross, F., Scarfì, L., Aloisi, M., Monaco, C., Krastel, S.; 2021: The Strait of Messina: seismotectonics and the source of the 1908 earthquake. Earth-Sci. Rev., 103685. Favalli M., Boschi E., Mazzarini F. and Pareschi M.T.; 2009: Seismic and landslide source of the 1908 Straits of Messina tsunami (Sicily, Italy). Geophys. Res. Lett., 36. doi: 10.1029/2009/GL039135. L16304. Gerardi P., Barbano M.S., De Martini P.M. and Pantosti D.; 2008: “Discrimination of Tsunami Sources (Earthquake versus Landslide) on the Basis of Historical Data in Eastern Sicily and Southern Calabria”. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98 (6), 2795–2805. Gusman, A.R., Satake, K., Gunawan, E., Hamling, I., Power, W.; 2018: Contribution from multiple fault ruptures to tsunami generation during the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake. Pure Appl. Geophys. 175, 2557–2574. https://doi. org/10.1007/s00024-018-1949-z-. Gutscher, M.-A., Kopp, H., Krastel, S., Bohrmann, G., Garlan, T., Zaragosi, S., et al. ; 2017: Active tectonics of the Calabrian subduction revealed by new multi-beam bathymetric data and high-resolution seismic profiles in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 461, 61–72. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.020 Lavecchia G., Ferrarini F., Nardis R., Visini F., Barbano M.S.; 2007: Active thrusting as a possible seismogenic source in Sicily (Southern Italy): Some insights from integrated structural–kinematic and seismological data. Tectonophysics 445, 145–167. Maesano F. E., Tiberti M. M., and Basili R.; 2020: Deformation and fault propagation at the lateral termination of a subduction zone: the Alfeo fault system in the Calabrian Arc, southern Italy. Front. Earth Sci., 8, 107. doi:10.3389/ feart.2020.00107 Maramai A., Graziani L. and Brizuela B.; 2019: Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue (EMTC), version 2.0. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). Meschis M., Roberts G.P., Mildon Z.K., Robertson J., Michetti A.M. and Walker, J.F.; 201: Slip on a mapped normal fault for the 28th December 1908 Messina earthquake (Mw 7.1) in Italy. Sci. Rep., 9 (1), 6481. Piatanesi A., Tinti S., Bortolucci E.; 1999: Finite-elements simulations of the 28 December 1908 Messina Straits (southern Italy) tsunami. Phys. Chem. Earth, A 24 (2), 145–150. Pino N.A., Piatanesi A., Valensise G. and Boschi E.; 2009: The 28 December 1908 Messina Straits Earthquake (MW 7.1): a Great Earthquake throughout a Century of Seismology. Seismol. Res. Lett., 80 (2), 243–259. https://doi. org/10.1785/gssrl.80.2.243. Pirrotta C. and Barbano M.S.; 2020: New Macroseismic and Morphotectonic Constraints to Infer a Fault Model for the 9 (Mw6.1) and 11 January (Mw7.3) 1693 Earthquakes (Southeastern Sicily). Front. Earth Sci., 8:550851. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.550851 Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D. and Barbaro G., 2020: New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source. Mar. Geol., 421, 106093. Schambach L., Grilli S.T., Tappin D.R., Gangemi M.D. and Barbaro G.; 2021: Response to: Comment on “New simulations and understanding of the 1908 Messina tsunami for a dual seismic and deep submarine mass failure source” by L. Schambach, S.T. Grilli, D.R. Tappin, M.D. Gangemi, G. Barbaro [Marine Geology 421 (2020) 106093]. Mar. Geol., 442 (2021) 106636 Sirovich L. and Pettenati F.; 1999: Seismotectonic outline of South- Eastern Sicily: an evaluation of available options for the earthquake fault rupture scenario. J. Seismol., 3, 213–233. Tinti S., Armigliato A., Zaniboni F., Tonini R., Pagnoni G., Gallazzi G., Manucci A. and Pontrelli P., 2008. Quale sorgente per il maremoto del 28 Dicembre 1908 nello Stretto di Messina? Terremoto, frana sottomarina o entrambe? GNGTS, 27° Convegno Nazionale. Extended Abstract, 191–192.