GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2022 Sessione 1.1 19 Despite the Montereale basin is substantially undissected and therefore with scarce exposure of the Quaternary deposits, the reconstruction of the stratigraphic evolution was possible by integrating the fieldmappingwith geophysical studies, core drillings, paleomagnetic analyzes and, 14 C and 39 Ar/ 40 Ar dating. In the Montereale basin two different depocenters characterized by significantly different thickness of the Quaternary deposits can be recognized (Fig. 1), higher for the Capitignano depocenter, in the hangingwall of the CPF, and smaller in the depocenter of Piedicolle, at the northwestern tip of the SGF. Obtained data suggest that in the first phase of the sedimentary evolution of the basin, the fault-related subsidence exceeded the sedimentation rate, allowing the persistence of lacustrine sedimentation. Subsequently, between the early Pleistocene and middle Pleistocene, a slowdown in the activity of the CPF allowed the threshold between the two depocenters to be overcome and a drainage pattern similar to the current one to be established. Thus, theMontereale basin has followed the same evolutionary pattern recognized for other intermontane basins in the Central Apennines; it has been rather early captured by the Aterno hydrographic system, because of its position along the Apennine watershed and of the low tectonic subsidence (D’Agostino et al. , 2001). Geurts et al. (2020), argue that the integration of the intermontane basins in the hydrographic system of the Aterno network is part of the natural evolution of the hydrographic network rather than strictly related to the tectonic and climatic factors. Between the late middle Pleistocene and the present, alternating aggradation and erosive episodes, suggest that the activity of the CPFwas no longer able to compensate the sedimentary rates and therefore the evolution of the basin was essentially controlled by external factors (e.g. lowering of base level). However, the persistence of a modest tectonic activity is testified by the dislocation of the deposits of the upper Pleistocene along the CPF and SGF. In addition to the clear societal impacts, this study aims to investigate a complex area where faults such as those studied, albeit of small extension, about 7 km that of San Giovanni and about 10 that of Capitignano, show clear evidence of having controlled the Quaternary sedimentation. Furthermore, the study of these “small” structures is important as it can provide information on the relationships and possible interactions with the “large” structures located in the most eastern (Laga and Gran Sasso ) and western (Alto Aterno) fault systems. References Boncio P., Lavecchia G. and Pace B.; 2004: Defining a model of 3D seismogenic sources for Seismic Hazard Assessment applications: The case of central Apennines (Italy). Journal of Seismology, 8, 407-425 Chiarini E., La Posta E., Cifelli F., D’Ambrogi C., Eulilli V., Ferri F., Marino M., Mattei M. and Puzzilli L.M.; 2014: A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the Montereale Basin (Central Apennines, Italy). Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei, 25 (2), 177-188. Cinti F. R., Civico R., Blumetti A. M., Chiarini E., La Posta E., Pantosti D., Papasodaro F., Smedile A., De Martini P. M., Villani F., Pinzi S., Pucci S. and Brunori C. A.; 2018: Evidence for surface faulting earthquakes on the Montereale fault system (Abruzzi Apennines, central Italy). Tectonics, 37 . 10.1029/2017TC004780 Civico R., Blumetti A.M., Chiarini E., Cinti F.R., La Posta E., Papasodaro F., Sapia V., Baldo M., Lollino G. and Pantosti D.; 2016: Traces of the active Capitignano and San Giovanni faults (Abruzzi Apennines, Italy). Journal of Maps, 2016 . D’Agostino N., Jackson J.A., Dramis F. and Funiciello R.; 2001: Interactions between mantle upwelling, drainage evolution and active normal faulting: an example from the central Apennines (Italy). Geophys. J. Int., 147 , 475- 497. Galadini F. and Galli P.; 2000: Active tectonics in the central Apennines (Italy) - input data or seismic hazard assessment . Natural Hazards, 22, 225-270 Galadini F., Messina P. and Sposato A.; 2000: Tettonica quaternaria nell’Appennino centrale e caratterizzazione dell’attività di faglie nel Pleistocene superiore-Olocene. In: Galadini F, Meletti C, Rebez A (ed) Le ricerche del GNDT nel campo della pericolosità sismica (1996-1999), CNR-GNDC, 157-169.