GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale
474 GNGTS 2022 Sessione 3.2 Chávez R.E., Cifuentes-Nava G., Hernández-Quintero E., Vargas D.; 2014: Special 3D electric resistivity tomography (ERT) array applied to detect buried fractures on urban areas: San Antonio Tecómitl, Milpa Alta, México. Geofísica Internacional, 53, 4, 425-434. Cheng J., Xu X., Ren J., Zhang S., Wu X.; 2016: Probabilistic multi-segment rupture seismic hazard along the Xiaojiang fault zone, southeastern Tibetan Plateau . Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 221, 104940. jseaes.2021.104940 Colombero C., Papadopoulou M., Kauti T., Skyttä P., Koivisto E., Savolainen M., Socco L.V.; 2021: Surface-wave tomography for mineral exploration: a successful combination of passive and active data (Siilinjärvi phosphorus mine, Finland) . EGU 2021. Di tommaso R., Mucciarelli M., Vona M., De Bonis M., Masi A.; 2010: Valutazione delle caratteristiche meccaniche del calcestruzzo mediante misure di velocità di onde acustiche. Il Giornale delle Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica 1. Ferrari G., Contini G.; 1991: Correlazioni tra la velocità degli impulsi ultrasonici e la resistenza a compressione del calcestruzzo preconfezionato impiegato per strutture in cemento armato precompresso. Giornate AICAP. Halihan T., Nyquist J.E.; 2006. Detection of voids, tunnels and collapse features . Session 218-T65. Philadelphia Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, October. Hasan M., Shang Y.; 2022: Geophysical evaluation of geological model uncertainty for infrastructure design and groundwater assessments . Engineering Geology, 299, 106560, ISSN 0013-7952, enggeo.2022.106560. Lecocq T., Camelbeeck T.; 2017: Electrical resistivity tomography data acrossthe Hockai Fault Zone (Ardenne, Belgium). Data in Brief, 11, 1-4. Lombardi G., Hegg U.; 1998: Il progetto delle opere di fondazione di ponti e viadotti . Politecnico di Milano, corso di aggiornamento. Nappi R., Paoletti V., D’Antonio D., Soldovieri F., Capozzoli L., Ludeno G., Porfido S., Michetti A.M.; 2021: Joint Interpretation of Geophysical Results and Geological observations for Detecting Buried Active Faults: The Case of the “Il Lago” Plain (Pettoranello del Molise, Italy). Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1555. rs13081555. Petrit K., Klamthim P., Duerrast H.; 2018: 3D resistivity survey for shallow subsurface fault investigations. E3S Web of Conferences, 34, 01007. International Conference on Civil & Environmental Engineering. Riddle G. I., Riddle C. J., Schmitt D. R.; 2010: ERT and Seismic Tomography in Identifying Subsurface Cavities. Geo Can Work Earth, 1, 1-4. Van Schoor M.; 2002: Detection of sinkholes using 2D electrical resistivity imaging . Journal of Applied Geophysics, 50, 4, 393-399. Wang H., Hu C.H., Wang C.Y.; 2015: NDT-Based Identification on an Unknown Bridge Foundation . Cultural heritage, 7, P6, P5. Wang H., Hsleh S.H.; 2017: Near-Surface Geophysical Inspection on Bridge Foundations. 15th Asia Pacific Conference for Non-Destructive Testing (APCNDT2017), Singapore.
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