GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale
484 GNGTS 2022 Sessione 3.3 GRAVITY AND GRAVITY GRADIENTS JOINT INVERSION IN SALT BASINS THROUGH AN INTEGRATED WORKFLOW L. Bianco 1 , M. Tavakoli 2 , A. Vitale 3 , M. Fedi 1 1 Department of Earth, Environment and Resources Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy 2 Faculty of Mining, Petroleum, and Geophysics, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran 3 Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, National Research Council, Naples, Italy In this work, we discuss a new workflow designed to jointly invert gravity and gravity gradients. Our aim is the multi-source modelling with focus on salt basins, still a task of main relevance in exploration. These geological settings include very challenging and relatively deep targets as the base of salt and the mother salt, which produce different wavelength-content anomalies. In this context, the interpretation of gravity and gravity gradients data could be of great significance, as these datasets are characterized by different wavelength-content. The workflow follows the scheme of sequential joint inversion via cross-gradient constraint as proposed by Tavakoli et al. (2021). To perform the separate inversions, we modified the focusing algorithm (Portniaguine and Zhdanov 1999, 2002) to incorporate different types of a priori information such as the seismic top of salt and its density, and the inhomogeneous model-weighting function (Vitale and Fedi, 2020) estimated by the MHODE method (Fedi et al. , 2015). We applied the method to a model derived from the Seg Advanced Model Phase I model, demonstrating a reliable result for both shallow and deep sources. References Fedi M., Florio G. and Paoletti V.; 2010: MHODE: a local-homogeneity theory for improved source-parameter estimation of potential fields . Geophysical Journal International, 202 , 887–900, ggv185. Portniaguine O., and Zhdanov M. S.; 1999: Focusing geophysical inversion images . Geophysics, 64 , 874-887, doi: 10.1190/1.1444596. Portniaguine O., and Zhdanov M. S.; 2002: 3‐D magnetic inversion with data compression and image focusing. Geophyiscs, 67 , 1532-1541, doi: 10.1190/1.1512749. Tavakoli M., Nejati Kalateh A., RezaieM., Gross L. and Fedi M.; 2021: Sequential joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data via the cross-gradient constraint . Geophysical Prospecting, 69 , 1542-1559, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.13120. Vitale A. and Fedi M.; 2020: Self-constrained inversion of potential fields through a 3D depth weighting . Geophysics, 85 , G143-G156, doi: 10.1190/geo2019-0812.1.
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