GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

498 GNGTS 2022 Sessione 3.3 Tutto questo mostra come l’acronimo MASW abbia perso oramai qualsiasi preciso connotato e i risultati ottenibili dall’approccio standard basato sull’interpretazione (soggettiva) delle curve modali della sola componente verticale siano di fatto superati (per precisione ed oggettività) da quelli ottenibili con diversi tipi di analisi a partire da dati multi-componente raccolti anche ad un unico offset dalla sorgente (velocità di gruppo multi-componente). Va da sé che l’utilizzo di un (unico) sensore triassiale consente di definire le velocità di gruppo di tutte le componenti (Z, R e T), della curva RPM e dell’HVSR (e.g. Dal Moro and Puzzilli, 2017; Dal Moro et al. , 2018a; 2018b; Dal Moro, 2020). Riferimenti Arai H. and Tokimatsu K.; 2005: S-wave velocity profiling by joint inversion of microtremor dispersion curve and horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectrum . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 95 , 1766-1778. Arai H. and Tokimatsu K.; 2004: S-wave velocity profiling by inversion of microtremor H/V spectrum . Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 94 , 53-63. Dal Moro G.; 2020: Efficient Joint Analysis of Surface Waves and Introduction to Vibration Analysis: Beyond the Clichés , Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-46303-8, 273 pages Dal Moro G.; 2019: Surface wave analysis: improving the accuracy of the shear-wave velocity profile through the efficient joint acquisition and Full Velocity Spectrum (FVS) analysis of Rayleigh and Love waves. Exploration Geophysics, 50 , 408-419, DOI: 10.1080/08123985.2019.1606202 Dal Moro G., Al-Arifi N. and Moustafa S.R.; 2019: On the efficient acquisition and holistic analysis of Rayleigh waves: Technical aspects and two comparative case studies , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 125 , 105742, Dal Moro G., Moustafa S.R. and Al-Arifi N., 2018a. Improved Holistic Analysis of Rayleigh Waves for Single- and Multi-Offset Data: Joint Inversion of Rayleigh-Wave Particle Motion and Vertical- and Radial-Component Velocity Spectra. Pure and Applied Geophysics , 175 , 67-88 Dal Moro G.; 2018b: Effective Active and Passive Seismics for the Characterization of Urban and Remote Areas: Four Channels for Seven Objective Functions. Pure and Applied Geophysics , 176 , 1445–1465, s00024-018-2043-2. Dal Moro G. and Puzzilli L. M.; 2017: Single- and Multi-Component Inversion of Rayleigh Waves Acquired by a Single 3-Component Geophone: an Illustrative Case Study , Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 14 , 431–444, DOI: 10.13168/ AGG.2017.0024 Dal Moro G., Moura R.M. and Moustafa S.; 2015: Multi-component Joint Analysis of Surface Waves . J. Appl. Geophysics, 119 , 128-138. Dal Moro G.; 2011: Some Aspects about Surface Wave and HVSR Analyses: a Short Overview and a Case Study . BGTA - Bollettino Geofisica Teorica e Applicata, 52 , 241-259 ( invited paper) Dal Moro G.; 2014: Surface wave analysis for near surface applications . Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 252 pp. ISBN 978-0-12-800770-9 Dou S. and Ajo-Franklin J.B.; 2014: Full-wavefield inversion of surface waves for mapping embedded low-velocity zones in permafrost . Geophysics, 79 , EN107–EN124. Herrmann R.B.; 2013: Computer programs in seismology: an evolving tool for instruction and research . Seismol Res Lett, 84 , 1081–1088. Levshin A.L., Pisarenko V.F. and Pogrebinsky G.A.; 1972: On a frequency-time analysis of oscillations . Ann. Geophys., 28 , 211–218. Panza G.F.; 1985: Synthetic seismograms: the Rayleigh waves modal summation . J Geophys, 58 , 125–145. Panza G.F.; 1989: Attenuation Measurements by Multimode Synthetic Seismograms . In: Cassinis, R., Nolet, G., Panza, G.F. (eds) Digital Seismology and Fine Modeling of the Lithosphere. Ettore Majorana International Science Series. Springer, Boston, MA. Pardalos P.M., Migdalas A. and Pitsoulis L. (eds); 2008: Pareto optimality, game theory and equilibria . Springer, New York. ISBN 978-0-387-77247-9 Ramík J. and Vlach M.; 2002: Pareto-optimality of compromise decisions . Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 129 , 119–127. Ritzwoller M.H. and Levshin A.L.; 2002: Estimating shallow shear velocities with marine multicomponent seismic data . Geophysics, 67 , 1991–2004.