GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2022 Sessione 3.3 521 2 m, whose top is at a depth of about 1.5 m. The magnetic susceptibility contrast, ∆ χ , of the structure with respect to the hosting material is about -0.004. Size and depth of such a structure are consistent with those of a road, whose position seems to correspond with the Ad Flexum junction. At the same depth, it also appears a second structure characterized by size and susceptibility contrast (∆ χ ≈ -0.002) lower than that corresponding to the first structure. These findings well agree with the results of the in-phase component map coming from the FDEM survey, which shows an anomaly whose shape and orientation are compatible with the first structure derived from the magnetic data inversion. Conversely, the results from the GPR prospecting well support the characteristics of the second structure provided by the magnetic MAP model. Conclusions. The proposed algorithm to invert magnetic data has provided reliable results in modeling magnetic anomalies of archaeological interest. In particular, its application to magnetic data acquired in theancient roman siteof SanPietro Infinehas highlighted thepossible presence of buried structures ascribable to ancient roads of pre-classical and/or medieval age cited in ancient sources. Our findings provide the first hints for the historical reconstruction of this archaeological area whose knowledge is still limited and not yet sufficiently explored. References Di Maio, R., La Manna, M., Piegari, E., 2016: 3D reconstruction of buried structures from magnetic, electromagnetic and ERT data: Example from the archaeological site of Phaistos (Crete, Greece). Archaeological Prospection, 23, 287-299. Di Maio, R., La Manna, M., Piegari, E., Zara, A., Bonetto, J., 2018: Reconstruction of a Mediterranean coast archaeological site by integration of geophysical and archaeological data: the Nora town (Cagliari, Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20, 230-238. Fabiani, L., 1981: La terra di S. Benedetto . Studio storico-giuridico sull’Abbazia di Montecassino dall’VIII al XIII secolo . Vol I-II, Ed. Badia di Montecassino. Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E. 1990: Applied Geophysics . Cambridge University Press, pp. 770. Zambardi, M., 2007: La via Latina nel territorio di ad Flexum, Spigolature Aquinati, Studi storico-archeologici su Aquino e il suo territorio . Atti della giornata di Studio-Aquino, 19 maggio 2007. Zambardi, M., 2009: San Pietro Infine: il sito di Ad Flexum . Bollettino trimestrale di studi storici del Lazio meridionale 9.2.