GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2022 Sessione 3.3 527 Brittle, K.F., Lines, L.R., & Dey, A.K. (2001). Vibroseis deconvolution. European Association of Geoscientist & Engineers, Geophysical Prospecting , 49, 675-686. Gao, Y., & Hu, H. (2010). Seismoelectromagnetic waves radiated by a double couple source in a saturated porous medium. Geophys. J. Int., 181 , 873–896. Haarsten, M., & Pride, S. (1997). Electroseismic waves from point sources in layered media. J.geophys. Res. 102 , 24 745–24 769. Honkura, Y., Satoh, H., & Ujihara, N. (2004). Seismo dynamo effects associated with the M 7.1 earthquake of 26 May 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture and the M 6.4 earthquake of 26 July 2003 in northern Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan. Earth Planets Space 56 , 109-114. Johnston, M., Sasai, Y., Egbert, G., &Mueller, R. (2006). Seismomagnetic effects from the long- awaited 28 September 2004 M 6.0 Parkfield earthquake. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 96, no. 4B , S206–S220. Matsushima, M., Honkura, Y., Oshiman, N., Baris, S., Tuncer, M., Cerik, C., . . . Isikara, M. (2002). Seimoelectromagnetic effect associated with the Izmit earthquake and its aftershocks. Bull. 470 Seismol. Soc. Am. 92 , 350-360. Pride, S. (1994). Governing equations for the coupled electromagnetics and acoustics of porous media. Phys. Rev. B 50 , 15,678–15,696. Romano, G., Balasco, M., Siniscalchi, A., Pastoressa, A., & Lapenna, V. (2018). Robust analysis for the characterization of the seismo-electromagnetic signals observed in Southern Italy. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 61 , Doi: 10.4401/ ag-7811. Serra, M, Festa, G., Roux, P., Gresse, M., Vandemeulebrouck, J., & Zollo, A. (2016). A strongly heterogeneous hydrothermal area imaged by surface waves: the case of Solfatara, Campi Flegrei, Italy. Geophysical Journal Internation Advance Access . Thompson, A., & Gist, G. (1993). Geophysical applications of electrokinetic conversion. The Leading Edge 12 , 1169- 1173. Zlotcnicki, J., Le Mouel, J., Kanwar, R., Yvetot, P., Vargemezis, G., Menny, P., & Fauquet, F. (2006). Ground-based electromagnetic studies combined with remote sensing based on Demeter mission: A way to monitor active faults and volcanoes. Planet Space Sci. 54 , 541-557.