GNGTS 2022 - Atti del 40° Convegno Nazionale

GNGTS 2022 Sessione 1.1 41 A REGIONAL COLLECTION OF FAULT/SLIP DATA AND ASSOCIATED STRAIN PARAMETERS FOR THE INTRA-APENNINE EXTENSIONAL BELT OF CENTRAL ITALY G. Lavecchia 1,2 , S. Bello 1,2 , C. Andrenacci 1,2 , D. Cirillo 1,2 , F. Ferrarini 1,2 , R. de Nardis 1,2 , G. Roberts 3 , F. Brozzetti 1,2 1 DiSPuTer - Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, della Salute e del Territorio, Università G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy 2 CRUST - Centro InteRUniversitario per l’analisi Sismotettonica Tridimensionale, Chieti, Italy 3 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck, University of London We present QUIN, a “QUaternary fault strain INdicators database”, designed to integrate and unify published and new local-scale geological information and derive deformation and strain parameters for seismotectonic analysis (Lavecchia et al. , 2022). QUIN provides data on 3339 Fault Striation Pairs (FSPs; fault plane and slickenline), distributed within 455 survey sites exposed along the intra-Apennine Quaternary extensional faults of Central Italy (Fig. 1). The area covers an extent of ~550 km in an average NW-SE direction. QUIN gives information on FSP location, attitude and kinematics, and deformation axes (Fig. 2). Together with QUIN, we also provide an original shapefile of the Quaternary and, occasionally late Pliocene, faults hosting the FSP (Lavecchia et al. , 2021). Furthermore, we prepared a new compilation of simple graphical and numerical algorithms in MATLAB to perform kinematic analysis of fault- slip data (Andrenacci et al. , 2021). Fig. 1 - Structural Sites (SS) and slip vectors from the Fault/Striation Pairs (FSPs) data in the QUIN database (Lavecchia et al. , 2022); the SS are projected on a shaded relief map of northern-central Apennines of Italy along the trace of Quaternary normal faults hosting the SS; fault traces are derived from the Host Fault database (Lavecchia et al. , 2021). Stereoplots Lambert projection (lower hemisphere) at the map side represent examples of FSP data for three SS chosen across the Quaternary fault belt from north to south; key: LU-E1, VET10, NMT13 = SS short names as reported in the QUIN database.