GNGTS 2023 - Atti del 41° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 ______ ___ GNGTS 2023 Earthquakes related electromagnetic signals: report from monitoring stations in southern Italy I. Ventola 1 , G. Romano 1 , M. Balasco 2 , M. De Girolamo 1 , S. De Lorenzo 1 , M. Filippucci 1 , R. Morga 1 , D. Patella 1 , V. Serlenga 2 , T.A. Stabile 2 , A. Tallarico 1 , S. Tripaldi 1 , A. Siniscalchi 1 . 1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy 2 CNR – Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale, Potenza, Italy The seismic-electromagnetic method, in theory, can provide information on important medium properties such as water saturation, fluid properties, porosity, permeability, fractures (Garambois & Dietrich, 2002). This is because, following the electrokinetic theory (e.g. Pride, 1994; Haarsten & Pride, 1997), the phenomenon is linked to the interaction between elastic waves and porous media containing fluids. In the literature are reported several laboratory experiments (e.g. Duy et al., 2020), numerical modeling (e.g. Warden et al., 2013) as well as studies related to earthquakes (e.g. Honkura et al., 2004; Matsushima et al., 2002; Balasco et al., 2014). However, the method is not yet well developed and is not widely applied in the field (Grobbe et al., 2020). Over the last 15 years the Geophysical group of Bari, together with the CNR IMAA of Potenza have performed magnetotelluric continuous monitoring in some sites of Southern Italy. To better understand the characteristics of the seismic-electromagnetic phenomenon, recently have been installed two multiparametric stations (seismic and electromagnetic) in the Agry Valley and at the Gargano Promontory. Here we present the results from the analysis of the data acquired in the two monitoring stations. Specifically: 1. we evaluated the characteristics of the seismic-electromagnetic signals as a function of parameters such as the magnitude and the hypocentral distance of the earthquakes; 2. we considered the influence of the variance of the natural electromagnetic field on the phenomenon detectability;