GNGTS 2023 - Atti del 41° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 ______ ___ GNGTS 2023 3. we defined the spectral analysis techniques best suited to our data, for isolating the contribution of signals and minimizing natural field fluctuations. Finally, we analyzed the correlations between electromagnetic data and models with information of other nature related to the same sites. References Balasco, M., Lapenna, V., Romano, G., Siniscalchi, A., Stabile, T., & Telesca, L. (2014). Electric and magnetic field changes observed during a seismic swarm in Pollino area (southern Italy). Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 104 , 1289- 1298. Garambois, S., & Dietrich, M. (2002). Seismoelectric wave conversions in porous media: Field measurements and transfer function analysis. Geophysics 66 , 1417-1430. Grobbe, N. and Revil, A. and Zhu, Z. and Slob, E. (2020). Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications. Geophysical Monograph Series. Wiley. Haarsten, M., & Pride, S. (1997). Electroseismic waves from point sources in layered media. J.geophys. Res. 102 , 24 745–24 769. Honkura, Y., Satoh, H., & Ujihara, N. (2004). Seismo dynamo effects associated with the M 7.1 earthquake of 26 May 2003 off Miyagi Prefecture and the M 6.4 earthquake of 26 July 2003 in northern Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan. Earth Planets Space 56 , 109-114. Matsushima, M., Honkura, Y., Oshiman, N., Baris, S., Tuncer, M., Cerik, C., Isikara, M. (2002). Seimoelectromagnetic effect associated with the Izmit earthquake and its aftershocks. Bull. 470 Seismol. Soc. Am. 92 , 350-360. Pride, S. (1994). Governing equations for the coupled electromagnetics and acoustics of porous media. Phys. Rev. B 50 , 15,678–15,696. Warden, S., S. Garambois, L. Jouniaux, D. Brito, P. Sailhac, and C. Bordes, (2013): Seis- moelectric wave propagation numerical modelling in partially saturated materials. Geo- physical Journal International, 194 (3), 1498–1513, doi:10.1093/gji/ggt198. Ivana Ventola -