GNGTS 2023 - Atti del 41° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2023 Finetti, I., & Morelli, C. (1973). Geophysical exploration of the Mediterranean Sea. Gardosh, M., Druckman, Y., Buchbinder, B., & Rybakov, M. (2008). The Levant Basin offshore Israel: stratigraphy, structure, tectonic evolution and implications for hydrocarbon exploration  (p. 119). Geophysical Institute of Israel. Gardosh, M. A., Garfunkel, Z., Druckman, Y., & Buchbinder, B. (2010). Tethyan rifting in the Levant Region and its role in Early Mesozoic crustal evolution. Geological Society, London, Special Publications , 341 (1), 9-36. Granot, R. (2016). Palaeozoic oceanic crust preserved beneath the eastern Mediterranean. Nature Geoscience , 9 (9), 701-705. Güvercin, S. E., Konca, A. Ö., Özbakır, A. D., Ergintav, S., & Karabulut, H. (2021). New focal mechanisms reveal fragmentation and active subduction of the Antalya slab in the Eastern Mediterranean. Tectonophysics , 805 , 228792. Hall, J., Aksu, A. E., Calon, T. J., & Ya ş ar, D. (2005). Varying tectonic control on basin development at an active microplate margin: Latakia Basin, Eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology , 221 (1-4), 15-60. Harrison, R. W. (2008, September). A model for the plate tectonic evolution of the eastern Mediterranean region that emphasizes the role of transform (strike-slip) structures. In 1st WSEAS International Conference on Environmental and Geological Science and Engineering (EG’08) Malta . Hempton, M. R. (1987). Constraints on Arabian plate motion and extensional history of the Red Sea. Tectonics , 6 (6), 687-705. Maillard, A., Hübscher, C., Benkhelil, J., & Tahchi, E. (2011). Deformed Messinian markers in the Cyprus Arc: tectonic and/or Messinian Salinity Crisis indicators?. Basin Research , 23 (2), 146-170. Montadert, L., Nicolaides, S., Semb, P. H., & Lie, Ø. (2014). Petroleum systems offshore Cyprus. Morris, A., Anderson, M. W., Inwood, J., & Robertson, A. H. (2006). Palaeomagnetic insights into the evolution of Neotethyan oceanic crust in the eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society, London, Special Publications , 260 (1), 351-372. Peace, D. G., Stieglitz, T., & Spoors, R. (2012). Imaging new opportunities and play concepts in the Adriatic Sea and Levantine Basin. Petroleum Geoscience , 18 (4), 405-416. Robertson, A. H. (1998). Mesozoic-Tertiary tectonic evolution of the easternmost Mediterranean area: integration of marine and land evidence. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol. 160; Chapter 54 . Rybakov, M., Goldshmidt, V., Hall, J. K., Ben-Avraham, Z., & Lazar, M. (2011). New insights into the sources of magnetic anomalies in the Levant. Russian Geology and Geophysics , 52 (4), 377-397.