GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Figure 2: Low frequency inference on a secton of the Viking Graben dataset: A represents the input data, B the low- frequency version and C the amplitude spectra of the seismic line depicted in A (blue)- and in B (orange). High Frequency inference For the High-Frequency model, the data shown in Figure 1B is depicted in Figure 3. Since the data had the predicted range of frequency in the raw data, we take now into account 2 diferent data: Figure 3A is the NN input with central frequency of 14Hz, as used in Figure 2, while in Figure 3C we show the reference data, i.e. the raw data afer a 10-40Hz band-pass flter.