GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Figure 3. Fluctuaton of apparent resistvity recorded within the body waste (blue lines) with diferent depths during the 740 day-long survey. The red lines in the below graphs represent the mean value of temperature for each survey day. 4. Conclusions In this study a new tme-lapse inversion scheme for modelling temperature efect in DC monitoring experiments is presented. The modelling scheme estmates the thermal difusivity of the subsoil through the simultaneous inversion of tme-lapse data, without the need of a direct measurement of the subsoil temperature. Both synthetc test and analysis of real data, acquired in a 730 days long monitoring experiment on an MSW landfll, show the potental of this new inversion scheme, which enable to disentangle temperature efects from resistvity variatons induced by changes, for instance, of the groundwater coductvity. Acknowledgments We acknowledge Geo.Ti.La for the data provision. This study is funded by the project HydroGeosITe fnanced by A2A Ciclo Idrico. References Cassiani, G., 2009. Monitoring the hydrologic behaviour of a mountain slope via tme-lapse electrical resistvity tomography. Near Surface Geophysics - NEAR SURF GEOPHYS. Cassiani, G., Bruno, V., Villa, A., Fusi, N., Binley, A., 2006. A saline trace test monitored via tme- lapse surface electrical resistvity tomography. Journal of Applied Geophysics 59, 244–259. htps:// Deiana, R., Cassiani, G., Kemna, A., Villa, A., Bruno, V., Bagliani, A., 2007. An experiment of non- invasive characterizaton of the vadose zone via water injecton and cross-hole tme-lapse geophysical monitoring. Near Surface Geophysics.