GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 3.3 GNGTS 2024 Fiandaca, G., Doetsch, J., Vignoli, G., Auken, E., 2015. Generalized focusing of tme-lapse changes with applicatons to direct current and tme-domain induced polarizaton inversions. Geophys J Int 203, 1101–1112. htps:// Fiandaca, G., Zhang, B., Chen, J., Signora, A., Daut, F., Galli, S., Sullivan, N.A.L., Bollino, A., Viezzoli, A., 2024. EEMverter, a new 1D/2D/3D inversion tool for Electric and Electromagnetc data with focus on Induced Polarizaton. GNGTS 2024, 13-16 February 2024, Ferrara, Italy. Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R., Gharibi, M., 2009. Time-lapse electrical resistvity monitoring of salt- afected soil and groundwater. Water Resources Research 45. htps:// / 10.1029/2008WR007616 Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R., Gharibi, M., Nightngale, M., 2007. Low temperature dependence of electrical resistvity: Implicatons for near surface geophysical monitoring. Geophysical research leters 34. Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R., Pidlisecky, A., 2010. Compensatng for temperature variatons in tme- lapse electrical resistvity diference imaging. GEOPHYSICS 75, WA51–WA59. htps:// 10.1190/1.3478208 LaBrecque, D. & Yang, X., 2001. Diference inversion of ERT data: a fast inversion method for 3-D in situ monitoring, J. Environ. Eng. Geophys., 6, 83–89. Miller, C.R., Routh, P.S., Brosten, T.R., McNamara, J.P., 2008. Applicaton of tme-lapse ERT imaging to watershed characterizaton. GEOPHYSICS 73, G7–G17. htps:// Musgrave, H., Binley, A., 2011. Revealing the temporal dynamics of subsurface temperature in a wetland using tme-lapse geophysics. Journal of Hydrology 396, 258–266. htps:// j.jhydrol.2010.11.008 Wilkinson, P.B., Chambers, J.E., Meldrum, P.I., Gunn, D.A., Ogilvy, R.D., Kuras, O., 2010. Predictng the movements of permanently installed electrodes on an actve landslide using tme-lapse geoelectrical resistvity data only. Geophysical Journal Internatonal 183, 543–556. htps:// 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04760.x Corresponding author: