GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Hartog, H.A.; 2017: An introducton to distributed optcal fbre sensors (A. H. Hartog, Ed.). CRC Press.  Iannaccone, G., Zollo, A., Elia, L., Convertto, V., Satriano, C., Martno, C., et al.; 2010: A prototype system for earthquake early-warning and alert management in southern Italy, Bulletn of Earthquake Engineering , 8(5), 1105–1129. htps:// . Mousavi, S. M., Ellsworth, W. L., Zhu, W., Chuang, L. Y., Beroza, G. C.; 2020: Earthquake transformer —an atentve deep-learning model for simultaneous earthquake detecton and phase picking, Nature communicatons , 11(1), 3952. Sladen, A., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J. P., De Barros, L., Hello, Y., Calbris, G., Lamare, P.; 2019: Distributed sensing of earthquakes and ocean-solid Earth interactons on seafoor telecom cables, Nature Communicatons , 10(1). htps:// . Trabatoni, A., Festa, G., Longo, R., Bernard, P., Planter, G., Zollo, A., Strollo, A.; 2022: Microseismicity monitoring and site characterizaton with distributed acoustc sensing (DAS): The case of the Irpinia fault system (Southern Italy), Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , 127(9), e2022JB024529. Trabatoni, A., Biagioli, F., Strumia, C., Van Den Ende, M., Scoto Di Uccio, F., Festa, G., Rivet, D., Sladen, A., Ampuero, J. P., Métaxian, J.-P., & Stutzmann, É.; 2023: From strain to displacement: using deformaton to enhance distributed acoustc sensing applicatons,  Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 235(3), 2372–2384.  htps://  Vassallo, M., Festa, G., Bobbio, A.; 2012: Seismic ambient noise analysis in southern Italy, Bulletn of the Seismological Society of America , 102(2), 574-586. Zhu, W., Beroza, G. C.; 2019: PhaseNet: A deep-neural-network-based seismic arrival-tme picking method, Geophysical Journal Internatonal , 216(1), 261-273. Corresponding author: Gaetano Festa ( )