GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 3 – Comparison between the age of paleoearthquakes sourced by the NFS-MVFS and UAFS-GSFS. The white dots indicate seismic events known from historical bibliography but not recognized in the trenches. The analysis of paleoseismological data shows that both the NFS-MVFS and the UAFS-GSFS recorded events at close tmes (Fig. 3). Diferently, historical records show that the NFS and UAFS had greater actvity, compared to the MVFS and GSFS (Fig. 3). In fact, the MVFS and the GSFS were classifed as silent faults, as they did not show instrumental seismicity and even correlated historical seismic events. On the other hand, the seismic events of 1328 and 1859 for the NFS and 1461 for the UAFS were not observed in trenches. Even the 2009 seismic event didn’t produce important surface coseismic ruptures, probably because not all the UAFS was actvated. Considering only the earthquakes observed in the trenches, even in historical tmes a close actvity is observed between the NFS-MVFS and UAFS-GSFS. References Bignami C., Valerio E., Carminat E., Doglion, C., Tizzani P., Riccardo Lanari R.; 2019. Volume unbalance on the 2016 Amatrice - Norcia (Central Italy) seismic sequence and insights on normal fault earthquake mechanism. Sci. Rep. 9, 4250. Chiarabba C., et al; 2009. The 2009 L’Aquila (central Italy) Mw 6.3 earthquake: main shock and afershocks. Geophys. Res. Let. 36, 1–6. Chiaraluce L., et al; 2017. The 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence: a frst look at the mainshocks, afershocks, and source models. Seismol. Res. Let. 88, 757–771. Galderisi A., Galli P.; 2020. Ofset components and fault-block moton during the 2016 Central Italy earthquake (Mw 6.6, Monte Vetore Fault System). J. Struct. Geol. 134, 104014.