GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Galderisi A., P. Galli; 2020. Coulomb stress transfer between parallel faults. The case of Norcia and Mt Vetore normal faults (Italy, 2016 Mw 6.6 earthquake), Results Geophys. Sci. 1–4, 100003. Galli P., Giaccio B., Messina P.; 2010. The 2009 central Italy earthquake seen through 0.5 Myr-long tectonic history of the L’Aquila faults system. Quat. Sci. Rev. 29, 3768–3789. Galli P., Giaccio B., Messina P., Peronace E., Maria Zuppi G.; 2011. Palaeoseismology of the L'Aquila faults (central Italy, 2009,Mw 6.3 earthquake): implicatons for actve fault linkage. Geophysical Journal Internatonal 187 (3), 1119–1134. Galli P., Galderisi A., Ilardo I., Piscitelli S., Sciont V., Bellanova J., Calzoni F.; 2018. Holocene paleoseismology of the Norcia fault system (Central Italy). Tectonophysics 745, 154–169. Galli P., Galderisi A., Peronace E., Giaccio B., Hajdas I., Messina P., Pileggi D., Polpeta F.; 2019. The awakening of the dormant Mt Vetore fault (2016 central Italy earthquake, Mw 6.6). Paleoseismic clues on its millennial silences. Tectonics 38, 687–705. Galli P., A. Galderisi P. Messina, E. Peronace; 2022. The Gran Sasso fault system: Paleoseismological constraints on the catastrophic 1349 earthquake in central Italy, Tectonophysics, 822, 1–29. GSI [Geospatal Informaton Authority of Japan] 2016. The 2016 Cen- tral Italy Earthquake: Crustal Deformaton Detected by ALOS-2 Data. King G.C.P., Stein R.S., Lin J.; 1994. Statc stress changes and the triggering of earth- quakes. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 84 (3), 935–953. Improta L., et al, The Bolletno Sismico Italiano Work- ing Group; 2019. Mult-segment rupture of the 2016 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence (central Italy) constrained by the frst high- quality catalog of Early Afer- shocks. Sci. Rep. 9, 6921. INGV Working Group “Terremoto in centro Italia”. Summary report on the October 30, 2016 earthquake in central Italy Mw 6.5; 2016. Mildon Z.K., Roberts G.P., Faure Walker J.P., Toda S.; 2019. Coulomb pre-stress and fault bends are ignored yet vital factors for earthquake triggering and hazard. Nat. Commun. 10, 2744 . RCMT., 2016: European-Mediterranean RCMT Catalog, web page: htp:// Toda S., Enescu B.; 2011. Rate/state Coulomb stress transfer model for the CSEP Japan seismicity forecast. Earth Planets Space 63 (3), 171–185. Valoroso L., Chiaraluce L., Piccinini D., Di Stefano R., Schaf D., Waldhauser F.; 2013. Radiography of a normal fault system by 64,000 high-precision earthquake locatons: the 2009 L’Aquila (Central Italy) case study. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 118, 1156–1176. Corresponding author:
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