GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Figure 3 – a) Monitored points grouped in cumulatve displacement classes (tme range 2010-2021) in L’Aquila downtown; x-y: geological secton reported in b and d; b) geological secton; RS: Red Soil (Upper Pleistocene); LAB: L'Aquila Breccia (late Middle Pleistocene); ALE: Alluvial lens (sand and gravel, Middle Pleistocene); FGS: Fosso di Genzano Synthem (sand and gravel, Middle Pleistocene); MDS: Madonna della Strada Synthem (silt, clay and sand, Early Pleistocene); BDR: carbonate bedrock (Jurassic to Miocene); c) cumulatve displacement values (mm) of the monitored points, falling in the red 50 m width semi-transparent band in panel a; d) the comparison of deformaton and geology is shown through the superpositon of the cumulatve displacement of panel c and the geological secton in panel b. Note the good matching between displacement with the Red Soil botom boundary.