GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 The feld actvity results in building a temporary network, integrated with regional and natonal seismic networks, with an average staton inter-distance of about 7-8 Km. In additon, along with the seismic network, we deployed a subset of seismic statons to make an almost straight transect across the Monte-Morrone, with the goal of defning the fault structure profle by using seismic noise recordings. Afer almost 12 months of recordings the straight transect was shifed, following the strike of the focused fault, to the north-west, stll across the Monte Morrone (Fig.1). Fig.1 . Map with a temporary network of the experiment: 19 short period + 4 extended period sensors. The seismicity was recorded between November 2022 and January 2023. The preliminary analysis of the recorded data seems to show a scarce seismicity within the temporary network, mainly clustered in two diferent areas: one at the north-western side of Monte Morrone and the other between the southeastern part of Monte Morrone and Maiella, probably related to the Caramanico fault that boards the western fank of the Maiella antcline (Fig. 1). References Bosi C (1975) Osservazioni preliminare su faglie probabilmente atve nell’Appennino Centrale. Bol Soc Geol Ital 94:827–859 Bosi C, Galadini F, Giaccio B, Messina P, Sposato A (2003). Plio-Quaternary contnental deposits in the Latum-Abruzzi Apennines: the correlaton of geological events across diferent intermontane basins. Il Quat (Ital J Quat Sci) 16:55–76 Fracassi U, Valensise G (2007). Unveiling the sources of the catastrophic 1456 multple earthquake: hints to an unexplored tectonic mechanism in southern Italy. Bull Seism Soc Am 97:725–748