GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 From feld geology to strain and stress inversion: mult-scale variatons throughout peninsular Italy G. Lavecchia 1,2 , C. Andrenacci 1,2 , S. Bello 1,2 , F. Pietrolungo 1,2 , D. Cirillo 1,2 , A. Carducci 1,2 , F. Ferrarini 1,2 , F. Brozzet 1,2 , R. de Nardis 1,2 1 DiSPuTer, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chiet-Pescara, Chiet, Italy 2 CRUST - Centro inteRUniversitario per l’analisi Sismotetonica Tridimensionale, Chiet, Italy Exploring the complexites of stress feld variatons in regions beyond tectonic plate boundaries has become a central focus in innovatve geodynamic and seismotectonic research. Traditonal methodologies in this feld encompass examining focal mechanisms and in situ stress data enriched by geological features and Quaternary fault-slip data. The formal inversion of stress, a critcal step in establishing precise principal stress orientatons and magnitudes, necessitates a wealth of input data, a resource more commonly abundant in seismological studies than geological investgatons. Italy has recently seen an increase in geological data availability by introducing two comprehensive databases containing Quaternary fault/striaton pairs (FSP) records. These are represented by the QUIN 1.0 and 2.0 databases, collectng a total of ~8000 FSP in Lavecchia et al. (2022 and 2024) for Northern-Central and Southern Apennines, respectvely. Together, the databases span the extensional intermountain seismogenic Province of the entre Peninsular Italy, encompassing approximately 2,500 kilometers along its strike length. In the present study, we integrate the informaton from the two QUIN databases with additonal data, forming a unifed TOTOQUIN database. The later serves as foundatonal input for conductng detailed strain analysis and formal stress inversion at three scales: 1) Structural site scale, 2) Fault system scale, and 3) Regional domains scale. The mult-order principal stress attudes and relatve magnitudes obtained through TOTOQUIN inversion are analyzed and interpreted in light of the geometry and mult-scale segmentaton patern of the outcropping intra-Apennine fault system and the associated crustal structure. The analysis is further enriched by comparison with deformaton trends derived from earthquake and geodetc data. Through this examinaton, the study validates the complete consistency between Italy's long-term and current stress felds, efectvely bridging a crucial gap in the seismotectonic puzzle. Beyond its evident applicatons in seismic hazard, seismotectonics, and geodynamics, the TOTOQUIN stress database holds the potental to optmize resource exploraton strategy and