GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 The implementaton of the paleoseismological sites database into ITHACA Catalogue in the framework of the GeoScienceIR project D. Maceroni 1 , A.M. Blumet 1 , L. Bonadeo 2 , M.P. Congi 1 , V. Comerci 1 , P. Di Manna 1 , L. Guerrieri 1 1 ISPRA, Geological Survey of Italy, Roma, Italy 2 Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Dipartmento di Scienza ed Alta Tecnologia, Como, CO, Italy The ITHACA (ITaly HAzard from CApable faults) Catalogue aims at collectng and summarising available informaton on capable faults afectng the natonal territory. ITHACA implementaton started in the ninetes, taking advantage from the knowledge deriving from sitng studies of critcal infrastructures (i.e., nuclear power plants, gas and oil pipelines, chemical plants, etc.). The frst version was released for the 31 st session of the Internatonal Geological Congress headed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 6–17, 2000. Since then, t he Catalogue has been contnuously maintained and updated by the Geological Survey of Italy (ITHACA Working Group, 2019) and its present-day version is accessible through the following link: htps:// index.html . A capable fault is defned as an actve fault able to produce permanent ruptures or deformaton at or near the ground surface (surface faultng) during strong or moderate earthquakes (e.g. IAEA, 2015, 2022). The occurrence of surface faultng may cause serious damage to buildings and infrastructures and, therefore, it represents a geological hazard to be taken into due consideraton at the local scale, partcularly in the most densely populated and industrialised areas of the Italian territory. Consequently, the identfcaton of capable faults and their characterizaton can provide useful informaton both for scientfc research, aiming at seismotectonic studies, and for engineering purposes, intended for land use planning and management. In this regard, in agreement with the “Guidelines for the management of territories afected by Actve and Capable Faults” (Commissione Tecnica per la Microzonazione Sismica, 2015), the deepest degree of knowledge and insight achievable on capable faults require to perform paleoseismological investgatons, site levels survey that allows to reconstruct the geological history of a given fault by analysing its past movements over the last few thousand years, providing useful informaton to defne the seismogenetc and surface faultng potental of the fault. For the same reason, since the very beginning of its implementaton, the ITHACA Catalogue has included an informaton layer dedicated to paleoseismological sites (or paleosites). At that tme, the compilaton of the paleoseismological data in the Catalogue was in line with the available literature. Later, the collecton of paleoseismological data has become insufcient and sparse in