GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 comparison to the number of faults. As a result, it was decided not to include them in the public version of ITHACA. However, in the last decade, also following the introducton of specifc regulatory guidelines for fault displacement hazard assessment, paleoseismological studies have seen a signifcant increase, making available a large set of new data. Given the relevance of this data for a beter characterizaton of capable faults and, more broadly, to support the research aiming at minimising the risk associated with actve and capable faults, it has become essental to make paleoseismological informaton again available within the ITHACA Catalogue. This choice will thus allow to improve the set of informaton associated with the archived faults, taking into account both the published studies on single faults and the already published inventories of paleoseismological data in Italy (e.g. Galli et al., 2008 and Cint et al., 2021), and what is in the Catalogue, enriching the basket of informaton associated with the collected faults. The paleoseismological sites database is implemented in the framework of the GeoSciencesIR project by collectng the informaton available from the published paleoseismological studies (Fig. 1a). The collected data are spatalized through GIS tools and organised in a relatonal database developed as a relatonal branch of the ITHACA Catalogue (Fig. 1a). The database consists of two main tables: the “Paleosites” atribute table and the “Paleoevent” related table. The frst table refers to the identfcaton of the paleoseismological site and provides geographic, geometric and descriptve atributes, including photographs and sketches of the trenches and evidence. The identfcaton code (PaleoSiteCode) is linked to the FaultCode of the ITHACA fault, to which the paleoseismological study refers. Additonal informaton is reported regarding the reference of the study and the locaton reliability of the site (Locaton Scale) (Fig. 1b). The second table provides a descripton of the paleoseismological evidence pointed out in the study, summarising the sequence of the faultng events and their characterizaton in terms of ofset values and chronology, together with informaton on the type of sampled material and the datng methods applied for the age determinaton (Fig. 1c). To ensure a standardised compilaton of feld content, specifc and detailed codelists have been arranged for each key domain. This enables driving and simplifying the compilaton procedure and the dataset implementaton, as well as ensuring that a certain feld may only be populated with a list of preset atributes (Fig. 1d). The paleosites database implementaton in ITHACA enhances the set of informaton about capable faults collected in the Catalogue. The semantc and geographic link between the datasets in the Catalogue facilitates data access and cross-examinaton by ofering an interactve view of fault traces and related paleoseismological evidence. This could be a useful tool for seismic hazard assessments, providing quick view of areas and faults where paleoseismological data is already accessible and, more importantly, facilitatng access to the informaton for assessing the seismic and faultng potental of the mapped faults.