GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Finally, following the philosophy of open data fully adopted within the GeoSciencesIR project, the applicaton of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles to the entre ITHACA dataset has been promoted. Interoperability and data sharing will be ensured through the publicaton of OGC standard services (WMS, WFS and OFAPI). To simplify the resource reuse, the dataset will also be available in GeoPackage format with open licence atributon (CC BY 4.0). Acknowledgments The research actvity described in this work is funded by European Union - NextGeneratonEU programme- Mission 4 “Educaton and Research” - Component 2 “From Research to Business” – Investment 3.1 “Fund for the realisaton of an integrated system of research and innovaton infrastructures” - Project IR0000037 - GeoSciences IR. The Authors thank the Department of Earth, Environment and Resources Sciences of the University Federico II of Naples (Italy) for their help in collectng available paleoseismological data for the capable faults in central-southern Apennines. References: Cint, F.R., Pantost, D., Lombardi, A.M. & Civico, R. (2021). Modeling of earthquake chronology from paleoseismic data: Insights for regional earthquake recurrence and earthquake storms in the Central Apennines. Tectonophysics, 816, 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229016 Dipartmento della Protezione Civile (2015). Microzonazione sismica. Linee guida per la gestone del territorio in aree interessate da faglie atve e capaci (FAC). htp:// media-comunicazione/pubblicazioni/detaglio/-/asset_publisher/default/content/microzonazione- sismica-linee-guida-per-la-gestone-del-territorio-in-aree-interessate-da-faglie-atve-e-capaci-fac- Galli, P., Galadini, F. & Pantost, D. (2008). Twenty years of paleoseismology in italy. Earth-Science Reviewes 88 (2008) 89-117. IAEA (2015). The Contributon of Paleoseismology to Seismic Hazard Assessment in Site Evaluaton for Nuclear Installatons . IAEA-TECDOC-1767. htp:// TE-1767_web.pdf IAEA (2022). Seismic Hazards in Site Evaluaton for Nuclear Installatons. Specifc Safety Guide. IAEA Safety Standards . Series SSG-9 (Rev.1) htp://www.iaea.or/publicatons/14665/seismic-hazards-in- site-evaluaton-for-nuclear-installatons
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