GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale

Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 The relocaton process plays a key role in improving the accuracy of hypocenter determinaton, thus contributng signifcantly to the understanding of the intricate seismotectonic framework of the central Mediterranean region. By ensuring accurate relocaton of seismic events, this method sheds light on the fundamental and deep crustal processes that defne the structural dynamics of the Alpine and Apennine mountain ranges. In this way, the main seismic features, both large- and small-scale, within these regions are efectvely highlighted. In additon, through this work, the variaton of the crustal seismogenic layer (CSL) along the Mediterranean area can be thoroughly evaluated. The delineaton of the characteristcs and variatons of the crustal seismogenic layer in this area provides crucial insights into seismic potental and crustal behaviour, ofering a comprehensive understanding of seismic hazards in this geologically complex area. Furtherly, to test the performance of our locaton procedure, we performed detailed comparisons with the recent seismic catalogues obtained with both 1D (Menichelli et al., 2022) and 3D (CLASS, Latorre et al., 2023; CARS, Michele et al., 2023) velocity models. These kinds of studies turn out to be an important step forward in the assessment of the country's seismic hazard, aiming to improve the associated risk mitgaton of the seismic actvites. References Hetényi, G., Molinari, I., Clinton, J., Bokelmann, G., Bondár, I., Crawford, W. C., ... & AlpArray Working Group. (2018). The AlpArray seismic network: a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine Orogen. Surveys in geophysics , 39 , 1009-1033. Latorre, D., Di Stefano, R., Castello, B., Michele, M., & Chiaraluce, L. (2023). An updated view of the Italian seismicity from probabilistc locaton in 3D velocity models: The 1981–2018 Italian catalog of absolute earthquake locatons (CLASS). Tectonophysics , 846 , 229664. Menichelli, I., De Gori, P., Lucente, F. P., Improta, L., Valoroso, L., Baccheschi, P., ... & Chiarabba, C. (2022). Minimum 1D VP and VP/VS models and hypocentral determinatons in the central Mediterranean area. Seismological Society of America , 93 (5), 2670-2685. Menichelli, I., De Gori, P., Lucente, F. P., Improta, L., & Chiarabba, C. (2023). Lithosphere Structure, Processes, and Physical State of the Alpine‐Apennine System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), e2023JB026411. Michele, M., Di Stefano, R., Chiaraluce, L., Latorre, D., & Castello, B. (2023). CARS-Catalog of Relatve Seismic Locatons of 1981-2018 Italian Seismicity (No. EGU23-14033). Copernicus Meetngs.