GNGTS 2024 - Atti del 42° Convegno Nazionale
Session 1.1 GNGTS 2024 Fig. 1 – New data from 21 earthquake focal mechanisms and 9 breakout directons. Further 10 wells with no ovalizaton are highlighted with open circles. Predominantly, extension is observable along the entre Apennine belt with a ~NE–SW orientaton, transitoning to NW–SE in the Calabria region, following the curvature of the Calabrian arc. Thrust faultng is constrained to external areas, evident along the northern Apennine front (Adriatc foredeep) with a NE-oriented compression and ofshore along the northern Sicilian coast, as well as in the Po Plain and Friuli regions. The stress orientaton in the later areas aligns closely with the ~N–S convergence of ongoing relatve crustal motons between the Eurasia and Africa plates. Conversely, there is no apparent compression along the central and southern Apennines' external front based on present- day stress informaton. The actve stress feld so far not well defned in the ofshore area of
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